Chapter 22 Ashes

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Marcus, you know me, I'm hard to kill. I haven't survived this long just to find you all again and die a couple minutes later, let me remind you that I already survived 1 war back in Iraq. Laughed John holding out his hand shaking Marcus's. As all the people in the room shake hands. Hugging one another with smiles and tears on all their faces. "Hey Rory come here, carry needs you" exclaimed Jenna peaking her head around the door. grabbing Rory's hand, pulling him through the hallway through the kitchen out into the vault turning around the corner seeing Carry on the ground grunting in pain as Rory sits next to her holding onto her head the 2 exchange a smile both letting tears flow down their cheeks. All the other men walk out into the room smiling as they all look at the couple with one final push the baby is out, Doc cradles the baby handing it over to carry as her and Rory gaze upon the baby crying out, hugging onto the new baby boy as the sound of the baby crying starts to echo out through the open vault and all the survivors sit down taking a look at the baby congratulating Rory and carry till Rory starts to frantically look around the room crying out for Mary as everyone looks around the room for her not seeing any sign of Mary till Ozzy points out the open vent. "OH FUCK, Rory you have to go get her now everything's on fire up there she can't breathe up there she going to pass out from the ash."

What about the baby?

I've got it, Rory, me, and Jenna will stay here. Said Carry regaining her breath slowly. Her face flushed of color. 

No, I've got to be here, I have to protect you... But I have to get Mary... FUCK! screams Rory collapsing onto the ground clasping his hands onto his face holding back as he screams out punching the floor standing up hitting the wall again and again till his hand starts to bleed. Rory gives one look back at the other survivors shaking as he lowers his face wiping his face looking to carry then to Shawn. "Shawn, do you have any more bullets?" Asked Rory trying to steady himself. 

yes me, Razor, and Con... 

Wait Connor? Where is he? Asks Rory walking over to Shawn holding him by the shoulders as Shawn looks to the ground shaking his head while Jenna covers her face hiding her tears while Ozzy hugs onto her. 

"Jenna, I promise you; I will find the people who killed Connor, and we will find Mary." assured Shawn looking to Jenna. THEY WONT KILL ANYMORE OF US yells Rory rummaging through the small closet grabbing out 6 guns throwing them onto the ground in the middle of all of the survivors. "So, who's going with me?" says Rory looking at all of the men. 

I will says Ozzy.

I will says Shawn.

I will too says Marcus.

You don't even have to ask says John. 

The rest of us will stay here, we can help watch out for anyone and we will protect the baby you don't have to worry says Nick. 

Just down forget about us ok, well see you soon says Razor. 

Don't worry I don't doubt any of you and you don't need to have any doubt in me, Ima get Mary... I'll get anyone else I can find I'll see you soon says Rory climbing into the vents holding onto his small rifle as the other 4 all follow close behind him. "Rory, do you think that Albion was the one who took Allen, maybe they have Chris... I haven't seen him at all in days." says Ozzy as they all emerge out of the vent seeing the ash covered lake and fire burning the green grass. "Maybe, but I think I know where they would take them" said Rory walking through the ash covered sand seeing an outline of footprints leading in a path with 3 other pairs of footprints all start to lead through the ash till large tire marks start looking like it drove off through the burnt down trees. "Come on we have to follow the tracks I think Mary wanted to go outside or something and they took her" says Rory throwing the rifle over his shoulder with his sling and starting to run down the trail with the other 4 following him charging through the burnt field with fallen trees and fire burning around them. 

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