I Think I Messed Up

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I had some difficulty sleeping last night, but once I managed to close my eyes I slept like a baby. That day, however, was the biggest hell of my life, I would give up eating pizza con ketchup just to erase this day of my life. Even though it's what brought me to the point where I am today.

I remember as if this shit was yesterday, I woke up early, with the sun rising in my face. I realized that everyone except me and Brooklyn was asleep, I went down to the reception and was going out for some fresh air and morning sunshine. I saw that Brooklyn was outside the hotel, by the door, talking to Littorio.

I sighed.

"God fucking dammit." I muttered.

I kept thinking about what to try to do to get past them without them seeing me, wearing a different outfit, running out, jumping out of the windows of the upper floors if there was water under them. I kept thinking for a few good minutes but couldn't find any alternative, so I thought I'd just leave the hotel and hope they wouldn't see me.

"100% sure I'm gonna get caught, but it's worth a try."

I left the hotel and a few steps later I heard Brooklyn calling me with a slightly impatient tone.

"Flint, come here."

I turned around and I could see Brooklyn frowning and Littorio with her default slight smirk.


I walked up to them with my head down, I'm a little smaller than them, especially Littorio, that was humiliating.

"I've heard you were rude to our hosts," She said, "is that right?" asking me.

I raised my head.

"I was just answering her with the same tone she was talking to me."

"Please." She insisted.

"...Alright... I was a little."

"Good." Brooklyn sighed.

"She started tho." I muttered.

Brooklyn gave me a look but then turned back to Littorio.

"I ensure it won't happen again, Ms. Littorio."

"Lui sta bene, no need to get too worked up about it, it's just a minor issue." Littorio shrugged.
(It's fine)

"Isn't that right," She turned to me, "USS Flint?" with a smugging expression.

"You couldn't be more than right." I agreed, in annoyance.

"You fucking little oreo."

"Then I guess this solved." Littorio looked back to Brooklyn.

"Yes, of course, thank you for your time, Ms. Littorio."

"You're always welcome, Eagle Union."

Littorio turned around and walked away. There was silence for a little until I broke it.

"Arrogant woman." I huffed.

Brooklyn turned to me and held my shoulders.

"Flint, please, I need you to be more mature." She shook me a bit.


"Don't you understand that whatever you might have said could've caused a diplomatic crisis between the Eagle Union, if not Azur Lane, and the Sardegna Empire?"

"... I do."

"Then promise you won't be immature like this again."

"I promise."

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