Chapter One

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Life is so unfair. 


Well, instead of going to my BFFAE (that's best friend forever and ever, for you people who don't get this stuff) Rika's party, I get to babysit the Torres' daughter today.


I mean, Viola (that's the girl) isn't really THAT bad. What's terrible is her freakin' older brother.

Romeo Erik Torres.

Ugh, my mouth feels all gross just saying that name. I hate that dude. But yet, when I think about him, I get this strange tingly feeling, and then I remem-

Oh, quit it Juliet. 

Yes, my name is Juliet. Juliet Titania Rosen. Got a problem with that?

I thought not.

"Bee! You know plain well that today is Rika's b-day bash. How in the world am I suppose to babysit Vi AND go to Rika's party at the same time?" I wailed to my mom Bianca. 

And no, you did not just hear me wrong. I do call my mom Bee; my mom's are weird that way. In case you're wondering, no, I do not call my dad Flower. I call him dad. Just like the rest of you people.

"You're not going Rika's party. Listen, Juli, I really need you to do this. Meg, Erik, your dad and I are going out to dinner for some time and Romeo refuses to do it so we really really really want you to take care of Viola. You know we haven't seen Megan and Erik for a long time! Megan's like my best friend. It would be like you seperated from Rom-I mean Rika." Then, Bee just stopped talking. She shot me her puppy dog eyes, her light green eyes glazed over. "PLEASE?" she added. Not her EYES!

I groaned. "Fine. But you owe me." Before she could reply, I fled up the stairs, rushed to my room, flung my door open, then threw myself onto the bed. I screamed into the pillow. Oh great. I have to call Rika and tell her I'm not going.

Dumb life.

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