-Chapter 3-

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Shays P.O.V

"That dumb bitch thinks she still has Prod in the palm of her hands" I said laughing to myself as I slid on my tank top and sweatpants from Pink. I walked downstairs and sat on the couch waiting for Prod to come over cause he had to "Tell me something"  that boy really didn't know how to say "I wanna have sex" I mean it's not hard. Kat obviously wasn't doing her job so I had to do it, I'm actually glad she found out about me and broke up with Prod. It was only two months ago but that means more time for me and my baby, right on time I heard a knock on the door

"Finally!" I said opening the door jumping up on him "I missed you"

He kissed me on the cheek then sat on the couch

"So what'd you have to tell me" I asked sitting on top of him unbuckling his belt

"No not that, well not right now" He said grabbing my hand "Me and the boys are throwing a welcome back dinner tonight and I wanted to know if you want to come with me?"

"As what?"

"My date, I guess" He said smiling

I kissed him on the lips overwhelmed with excitement until I realized everybody was going to be there

"Wait, is Katrina going to be there!?" I asked getting off of him

"Yeah, but"

"I don't think I can come" He just wanted to bring me to make her jealous!

"Shay." he said holding my hands

I would actually get a kick out of making Kat jealous, this could be fun. I gave out a sigh then agreed to go with him

"Now can we finish what I was waiting 2 months for!?" I said leading him upstairs

Kats P.O.V

I pulled out my red high waisted short, sheer floral knot top and oxfords, slipped them on then put on my burgundy lipstick, Prods favorite. I laughed to my self as I walked out the door and to the limo with the girls. After about a thirty minute ride we made it to Longhorns, I walked straight to the bathroom to touch up my curls in the mirror. A familiar face walked out of a stall behind me and went to wash her hands.

"Hey, don't I kn--" I stopped in my track as I finally recognized her face, Shay! "What the hell are you doing here??"

"My boyfriend invited me" She said smiling washing her hands

"Prodigy?" I asked boiling

"He likes it when I call him Prod"

I cant believe that jerk would do something like that! What in the hell was he thinking bringing that trick here, he constantly apologizes then brings the main problem to what's supposed to be a happy event!?

"Something wrong Katrina" She asked poking out her lips and pretending to wipe away tears

I laughed then punched her square in the face, she stumbled back then held her face and launched a slap that left a little sting. I grabbed her by the neck and threw her against the wall

"Whoa, what's going on!" A Mexican looking girl with long straight hair said pulling me off of her. She knew Shay for some reason and tried to calm her down

"Wait aren't you Kat?" The Mexican  girl asked

Prodigys P.O.V

Shay went to the bathroom about 10 minutes ago, either she had bad dinner last night or.... I don't even know. I looked over and noticed Kat didn't come with the girls

"Where's Kat?" I asked them

"Bathroom" Bahja replied taking a sip of her water "Why?"

I added everything together a little too late, Kat, Shay, and Marie came walking out of the bathroom looking civilized. Okk maybe they didn't notice each other?? They took a seat and I felt Kats eyes piercing through me, I dodged her death stare as the waiter came to take our orders. As soon as the waiter left there was an awkward silence.

Kats P.O.V

"Ok I know I'm not the only one who's confused right now" Bre said raising her hand "You guys guys gonna introduce your guest?"

"Oh, my bad this is my girl Marie" Roc said smiling, I like her she's really chill. She was wearing a peach dolly bird skater dress with the back out and nude colored heels. Her butt was big for her short self and made me chuckle a little she was too cute!

"This is my baby Imani" Prince said spinning her around obviously showing off her body. She had on a cute tight black dress that matched perfectly with her dark brown curly hair  and we all knew damn well she wasn't his girlfriend, she was his friend with benefits! Don't get me wrong Imani was gorgeous but Prince... well you know where I'm going with this. All eyes shot to Prod so he could introduce his "guest".

"Oh uhh this is .. my.." He said stumbling on his words

"His girlfriend, Shay" Shay added finishing his sentence. Everybody gave her that "Excuse you bitch" Look then looked at me. I sat there looking normal trying to keep from reaching across the table and ringing her neck, I needed to show her and Prodigy that it didn't phase me. It was almost unbearable but I couldn't let them know that, that was there whole motivation!

"Is that a bruise on your face?" I heard Prod whisper to her making me laugh

"It's nothing" She replied smacking his hand away


"And then Rocs girl Marie broke us up, we didn't want to ruin the dinner so we fixed ourselves up and walked out cool as a cucumber"

"I see, I had no idea you two just fought!" Bre said sitting on the couch with the popcorn

"Yeah until her black eye started showing!" Bahja shouted from the kitchen making us laugh

I scrolled down the movie channel for a movie and finally decided on "A haunted house" I hated watching movies more than twice but this one I couldn't get enough of! We paused the movie before it started so we could get our snacks together. Bahja grabbed the chocolate, I had the candy, and Bre had the pizza.

"Damn we're fat" I said with a airhead hanging out my mouth, We sat the snacks down on the table, cuddled up in the blanket and waited for Nique to get off the phone with Ray.

"Hurry up Zonnique" Bahja yelled

"Go ahead without me" She said back from the bedroom sounding like she was crying. We jumped up then ran to the room.

"What's wrong sis" Bre said holding her

"Ray's cheating on me."

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