-Chapter 10-

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Prodigys P.O.V

"Or else I'll tell Kat what you did at training." I replied still having my back turned to him

"Hmm, and what was that?" He said as if he didn't think I knew

"You know what you did Jacob don't play stupid" I said turning around and raising my voice

"No, why don't you remind me... I don't remember."


"Right, you don't have any dirt on me so just stop while your ahead." He laughed

"What's goin on y'all?" Roc asked making us stop and turn to him and Marie

"Nothing, I was just leaving." Jacob said picking up his bags and going into his bus

"What was that about??" Roc said patting me on the shoulder

"Nothing." I replied walking off to the bus

I headed straight to my room and shut the door. I wasn't mad, everything happened the way I wanted it too. If he didn't break up with Kat in the 2 days I gave him, I was going to let everyone know he was the one who pushed me off the stage. He would lose his friends, his fans, and Kat. And the best part about him not knowing I know is that when I tell everybody, he'll be just as surprised as them. I'll get to his head sooner or later. I didn't want to hurt Kat like that again but at this point I'd do anything to get her back, I act like I'm cool without her but truth is she's like the other half of me. When we broke up it probably hurt me worse than her when she found out I cheated. The other day when we were hanging out I pretended as if we were back together and I was happy again. Call me crazy but that's love. I just hope she still loves me enough to be my girl again.


We all finally made it to my hometown and as soon as I got off the bus I started hitting my dougie in front of the fans, everybody already knew I was gonna turn up. I miss Philly, I don't get to be here as much as I wanted and the first thing I want to do is go home and see my fam. Me and mom left on a bit of a bad note the last time I was here, she was getting on me about cheating on Kat but hopefully she's calmed down by now and made me some fried chicken! The fans crowded around the hotel and we were able to sign a couple of autographs before Walter dragged us inside the hotel with Kat and the girls following behind. Keisha handed us our room keys then let us loose, finally I had my own room! I hated rooming with the boys on this tour, no one is safe to sleep when we're together but finally I can sleep with both eyes closed. I got everything settled in my room then headed right back out to go home.

"Where you goin speedy?" Kat said laughing. I was such in a hurry to get home I didn't notice she was standing right next to the elevator I got out of in the lobby

"Finally going home" I replied laughing catching myself

"Oh, tell everybody I said Hi." She said with her smile fading. The fam loved her, it was like she was apart of it but since we broke up it wouldn't be the same.

"I will, unless you wan't to tell them yourself?" I said making it sound like a question

"I don't think that would be a good idea Prod."

"You know they love you regardless if we're together or not" I whispered making her look up and smile at me.

"I guess I could g--" She started to say before her phone started ringing with her favorite song Lemonade by Jeremy Passion

"Still your favorite song I see"

"You remembered??" She asked looking surprised. I nodded then watched her answer the phone still looking up at me with that beautiful smile

"Oh, hey babe." She said then breaking eye contact with me and looking at the floor
"I was kinda going somewhere already..."
"Oh, ok... I'll be there in a second."

She pressed end then looked back up at me with a sorry look "I'm sorry, I have to go."

"It's alright, I'll let them know you said Hi." I said letting out a fake laugh. I started to make my way to the door until she stopped me and gave me a hug, I looked down at Kat then wrapped my arms around her giving in, it almost felt like slow motion as we broke away. She looked down and smiled walking away while I smirked at her then headed for the limo. The whole ride to the house all I could think of was the hug, it's was so small but it had a lot of meaning behind it. She hadn't hugged me like that since we were together, it had so much love behind it. In two days this would be over I said in my head while sighing. The driver finally pulled up to my house and let me out, and as soon as I walked up to the door I smelled moms cooking

"I'm home." I whispered to myself as I knocked on the door

Kats P.O.V

The whole way up the elevator all I could think about was the hug me and Prod had just had, It was a small thing but I had so much love behind it. It was the type of hugs we had when we were together. The elevator door ringed snapping me out of my thoughts and catching the huge smile I had on my face. I instantly got myself back together then continued to Jacobs room and knocked on the door to see what was so important.

"Hey babe, what's go--" I started to say before I was interrupted by Jacobs lips crashing onto mine, I smiled then kissed back backing up into his room. I ended the kiss remembering he said something about an important thing "Wait what was so important?"

"I hadn't kissed you all day" He said smiling and laughing, I laughed with him then shook my head.

"You are so dumb!" I said smacking his arm

"I hope I didn't interrupt nothing serious" He said kissing my cheek

"...No, It wasn't important." I lied

"Good I didn't want to mess up my babies day. I had the worst day so far though, first the bus broke down then the towing company couldn't come out for a whole hour, that's why I was running a little late behind you guys. Then the bus driver was like 65 years old and he drove like a turtle on crutches...." I tuned him out then started thinking about Prod. If I went with him to his house I would've been cracking up with his family eating his moms famous fried chicken, Oh my God that woman could cook her ass off. Although it would be a little weird just going as his friend, his family was so used to me being his girlfriend it would've been different not seeing us cupcake, hold hands, and all that gushy stuff. It's even hard for us to hang out as friends and chill out without everybody jumping on our case. Sometimes I wish Jacob would just break up with me and get it over with. Wait, did I really just say that?

"You ok?" Jacob said

"Huh?" I replied tuning back in "Oh yeah, you were talking about your old ass bus driver..?"

"Yeah, he was driving like 10 miles per hour.." He said laughing along with me "Anyways, where were you about to go when I called you?"

"Uh nowhere, It doesn't matter."

"Oh... You sure you ok??" he repeated

"Yeah, why?" I nodded

"You been zoning out."

"No, I was just thinking about... the concert tonight."

"Me too, Philly's crazy It's gonna be a good show tonight."

"Yeah." I said smiling at him

I don't want to break up with him and sound like a bitch cause he truly didn't do anything wrong. I just wish he knew how I felt.

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