-Chapter 17-

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"You never answered my question." She said sitting next to me "And don't front cause I know you know what I'm talking about!"

"The question...from earlier..?"


"When you asked me.. if I still liked Jacob?"


"Ooh! See umm--" I started to say before there was a knock on the door. "Oh darn looks like I gotta go! See you later love!" I opened the door and there was Prod right on time.

Kat's P.O.V

"So, where we going?" I asked buckling my seat belt.

"Movies and Ice cream" He replied starting the car and pulling off

"Nice!" It's about time he takes me on a simple date! We get caught by the paparazzi cause we go to out and about places but the movies isn't so out there and by the time we get out of the movies it should be 12 and I don't think the papz would be at Baskin Robins at midnight looking for us. "You thought of this?" I asked

"No" He laughed "Mani helped me, honestly I didn't know where to take you."

"Yeah, I thought so!" I laughed "If it was up to you we probably would've went sky diving!"

"Thanks for the next date suggestion" He replied with a smirk

"Don't even think about it!" We pulled up to the movie theater which was surprisingly pretty empty, got  our tickets and some snacks then walked into the theater playing The Purge

"I hope this movie is good" He said sitting in the top row

"Of course it will be!" 

"Wanna make another bet?'" He asked raising his eyebrow


After the movie we drove to Baskin Robins and unfortunately I lost the bet the movie sucked. I mean, the bet isn't bad I'm just sure I know what it's going to lead into to. When we got to the counter I got a butter pecan and cookies and cream milkshake while he got 2 scoops of chocolate and vanilla.

"Your hella basic" I teased

"What? How am I basic?"

"Chocolate and Vanilla really?" I said laughing "There's 31 flavors and you pick the most basic ones"

"Whatever they're not basic they're just original!" He said making me and the cashier laugh

"You're a basic bitch" I whispered, I'm guessing it was loud because the cashier laughed again

"I got you later!" He warned laughing followed by continuous flashes, I looked over and saw paparazzi outside

"Not again!" I said throwing my head back 

"What's the papz doing here?" The cashier said, she finally looked up at us then a light bulb went off in her head "Oh, now I know why you guys look familiar! Do you guys wanna hide out in the back till they leave?" She offered

"Nah they won't leave" Prod said laughing a bit, we thanked her then left out and got into the car.

"This is the second time we've seen you guys out this week, what does that mean!?" A reported asked me blocking me from getting in the car.

"Excuse me" I said nicely waiting for him to move

"I'll move if you answer my question" He replied

"You should move" I warned, but he didn't budge. I shoved him camera to the ground then kneed him in crotch making him fall just like his camera. I got in the car then turned the radio up not paying any mind to what just happened.

"Alright then." Prod said pulling off. I laughed then took a sip of my milkshake.

"Somebody had to have called them cause there would never just be a flock of paparazzi waiting around B&R for no reason!"

"Maybe it was the cashier chick.." 

"No, she didn't even realize who we were until they popped up."

"True, But oh well" He said shrugging. Something was telling me not to just forget about it so easily, I think we were set up. In my head I had to be Shay her ass been lurkin around us and I bet she had something to do with this. Then again something else was telling me Prod did it, no it couldn't have been him. I shook the thought out of my head as we pulled up to the hotel and walked to my room

"Aight goodnight" I said sliding my room key into the door

"Uh un, don't think you can slide out the bet that easy"  

"I don't know what you're talking about" I tried to say as innocent as possible

"Mhm, I'll be back with my stuff in a sec" He said walking down the hall. I closed my door then stomped my feet, I should've never made a bet with him saying he could sleep in my room tonight. I then heard someone come out of their room

"Uh did I just hear Prod say he'll be back with his stuff in a sec?" Mani asked with her eyebrow raised

"Dammit I forgot about you guys!" I said facepalming myself

"He ain't finna be sleeping in here!" Marie shouted in a ratchet tone poking her head out the room, I laughed at her then went to my room to pack some pajamas.

"It's ok guys don't worry I guess we'll just have to sleep in the tour bus tonight" I laughed packing  my clothes in a adidas drawstring bag. "See y'all in the morning!" I closed the door behind me then waited for Prod to comeback up, around 20 seconds later he came rushing down the hall til he saw me outside of the door

"Uhh, why you out here?"

"Cause I forgot the girls stayed in my room so they kicked me out" I explained laughing "Cool with the tour bus tonight?" He nodded then got on the elevator with me.

 Uhh, hey guys... I know it's been a while but I got some questions for this chapter!  So what y'all think finna go down in the tour bus, who called da papz on them, and do y'all think Kat still likes Jacob??? Let me know in zee comments ^_^

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