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I just want to make this clear, I do not own the plot line for this chapter. It belongs to its rightful owner, the amazing and talented @bunkeyice.

A group of archaeologists with interns were at a new digging site. They were all from the Amber Beach History Museum. One of the interns, Y/n L/n, was carefully brushing away some dirt near the head of a dimetrodon fossil. After a bit, she noticed something faintly glowing in the dirt, so she picked it up and blew the dust off. Y/n studied the object carefully, concluding that it was a type of crystal as it glimmered a crimson color in the light of the sun. Soon, one of her mentors, Kendall Morgan, had called her over to help transfer the newly dug out dimetrodon bones to a truck so they could be moved to the museum. Y/n had tucked the strange crystal into her pocket, hoping to find a time to ask Ms. Morgan about it later, hoping to find some answers to her questions.

As soon night had fallen, all of the dimetrodon bones were safely transferred into boxes and put in the back of the museum truck which was on it's way back to the museum. That's when panicked screams filled the dig site. Everyone on the crew started running away from the scene, all but two peculiar males; Chase Randall and Koda. Y/n knew the two boys, but only a little. Soon, a wave of vivix started to run towards people, terrorizing everyone at the dig site and trying to find an energem.

As rocks were being thrown around, Chase and Koda jumped into action, fighting their way through the waves of vivix and trying to keep the people at the dig site safe. Soon, a large rock had fell, trapping another intern between the wall and the rock. Y/n had noticed that the two boys were a bit preoccupied with fighting off the vivix, so she jumped into action. Not knowing where her newly developed skills came from, Y/n fought her way through the vivix in order to get to the trapped intern (and the vivix were pretty easy to defeat).

Soon, Chase and Koda were paying attention to what Y/n was doing as they fought the vivix. Both were wondering how Y/n could fight the way she did when she never studied martial arts, as well as why she wasn't somewhere safer. After fighting for a few minutes, Y/n finally made it to the intern. As soon as she was with the trapped intern, Y/n began to push all of her weight against the rock in hopes of giving the intern enough room to escape. After a bit of struggling, Y/n stopped to catch her breath and give herself some mental encouragement.

"Alright, Y/n," she thought to herself. "Remember what Dad says, even if it is a bit cheesy. Nothing is impossible."

Y/n pushed all of her weight against the rock once again, but this time, she didn't notice the crimson crystal in her pocket beginning to glow. After Chase and Koda finished off the vivix army, they watched Y/n as soon as the crimson glow lit up the night. As Y/n continued to push against the rock, strength and power began to overtake her body, allowing the rock to move a little. Y/n didn't know how this happened, but she took the chance to push the rock off of the intern, allowing the intern to be free. After freeing the intern, Y/n began to catch her breath, turning to the newly freed intern.

"If I were you, I'd go to the tent to see if I have any injuries from being trapped by a rock," Y/n advised the girl, who nodded and ran off to do exactly as she suggested.

Y/n soon noticed that her pocket was emitting a faint, crimson glow, so she pulled out the source of the light, revealing it to be the strange crystal that she had found in the dimetrodon fossil. After pulling out the strange crystal, it started to glow even brighter than before as a vision appeared in her mind. The vision was of a dimetrodon having a strange, floating object land on it while glowing a crimson color for a moment. Then the dimetrodon began roaring, as if accepting the strange, floating object. The vision soon faded away from Y/n's mind, followed by a shocking amount of power surging through her veins, taking her by surprise.

"NO!" a cloaked figure shouted in anger. "How dare you bond with the energem!"

Then the figure ripped off the dark grey cloak, revealing an ugly looking monster that looked like it was part horse and part cat, but with a red, yellow, and white color scheme. It was mutated with scales and spikes coming off of its arms. The monster's name was Fury.

Soon after Fury appeared, a stone, gun-like object appeared in Y/n's hand. She lifted the object up, noticing an area where the so called energem should go. Y/n pushed the energem into place, causing the stone shell to break around the gun-like object, revealing a yellow and black dino morpher blaster.

"Turn the barrel rapidly!" Chase quickly instructed Y/n, knowing that Fury was furious.

Y/n nodded and began to spin the barrel rapidly, seeing it glowing a crimson color while shooting out sparks. She held it out in front of her and noticed a dimetrodon head fly out of the blaster, encasing Y/n's body. When the light faded, Y/n looked down at herself and saw a completely different outfit. She was now dressed as the Crimson Dino Charge Ranger.

"Awesome!" Y/n cheered.

(This is what your ranger suit looks like, but in a crimson color ⤴️)

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(This is what your ranger suit looks like, but in a crimson color ⤴️)

"What?!" Fury shouted in a mix between anger and shock. "Another Power Ranger?!"

Y/n saw Chase and Koda pull something out of their pockets and held the objects out in front of themselves.

"Dino chargers, ready!" the two exclaimed in unison, pushing a button on something small then placing it into their morphers as well. They then pushed the morphers closed, causing a strange voice to emit from them.

Para Charger, Engaged!
Stego Charger, Engaged!

"Energize, unleash the power!" the boys said together.

Chase and Koda spun their morphers and morphed into their designated ranger suits, black for Chase and blue for Koda. Soon, a fight quickly broke out and with the combined powers of Y/n, Chase, and Koda, the rangers had chased Fury away to go look for more energems and to plot of other ways to destroy them and take their energems. Soon, Y/n demorphed, as well as Chase and Koda.

"What just happened?" Y/n asked as the events of the night sank in, as well as rush of adrenaline settling down.

Chase and Koda looked at each other.

"Explain later," Koda replied to Y/n. Then he turned to Chase. "Base first, Keeper."

"Come on," Chase stated as he walked away, Koda and Y/n following behind. "We've got to get back to the dino museum."

Then the three rangers climbed into a museum truck and drove back to the Amber Beach Dino Museum.

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