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I just want to make this clear, I do not own the plot line for this chapter. It belongs to its rightful owner, Saban.

65 million years ago, during the age of dinosaurs, an alien named Keeper was on the run from a ruthless and merciless bounty hunter in order to keep an ultimate pouwer out of his hands. Sledge, the bounty hunter, wanted the eleven energems and their powers in order to gain control and rule over the entire known universe. Sledge managed to take down Keeper's ship, causing the alien to crash land on a planet known as Earth.

After determining that it was safe, Keeper entrusted the residents of the green and blue planet to protect the energems and keep them out of Sledge's hands. Each energem was bound to a specific dinosaur. Once Keeper was determined that the energems were safe, he managed to sneak a giant, energem-shaped bomb onto Sledge's ship. Once the bomb went off, Sledge was blasted deep into space.

Unfortunately, the shockwave from Sledge's ship caused the net around his asteroid collection to break. This lead to the asteroids raining down on Earth, leading to the extinction of the dinosaurs, and the loss of their bonded energems.

Millions of years into the future, Keeper and his new friend, Ms. Kendall Morgan, try to look for the missing energems, hoping to continue to keep them out of Sledge's evil clutches. Kendall Morgan begins helping Keeper by tracking down the energems for him. As the base underneath the Amber Beach Museum is being set up to find the eleven missing energems, one by one, six out of the eleven have been found. The six energems that have been found are the blue, black, crimson, green, red, and pink energems.

Those six energems have bonded to their finders, making them Power Rangers charged with dinosaur spirits. Soon, they all find themselves at the base in Amber Beach to find answers to their many questions about these mysterious crystals that have been found within dinosaur fossils and the visions that follow when these people bond to them.

Follow the first six rangers out of eleven to bond to energems and start to protect their world from a recurring threat from Sledge who has returned to destroy the world and get the remaining five energems.

The Crimson EnergemWhere stories live. Discover now