Chapter 2: Past, Present, and Fusion

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Once again, I do not own the plot line for the chapter. It belongs to the amazingly talented @bunkeyice.

Y/n's POV
After rechecking the dig site for the triceratops, we didn't find the pink energem like we hoped. I drove us back to the loading dock and we climbed out of the truck. We left the truck loaded with the equipment knowing that we're going to go look for another energem later.

"I very hungry," Koda commented.

"Koda, you're always hungry," Chase replied.

"I'm hungry too," I said, agreeing with Koda.

Chase then twisted a tooth of the T-Rex head and opened the door to the base. We all slid into the base. As a routine that's been engraved into our brains, the boys and I unclipped our energems from our necklaces and let them fly into their designated place between the teeth of the small cavern so that they could charge our dino chargers. I then went back to my room so I could change. After shutting the door behind me, I went to pick out some clothes. I took off my museum uniform that we wore on digs and put on a black tank top, black skinny jeans, and black, high-tops converse. Then I slipped on my crimson red and black flannel shirt over the tank top and put my hair in a high ponytail. As for makeup, I just put on some lip balm and mascara since I'm not a huge fan of makeup.

 As for makeup, I just put on some lip balm and mascara since I'm not a huge fan of makeup

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(This is what your outfit of the day looks like, but the flannel is a crimson color ⤴️)

After getting dressed, I walked out of my room and caught up with Chase and Koda.

"Kendall just told me that three more energems were found and they found the base," Chase informed me.

I nodded in response. Then we walked back to the main lab area of the base and saw Shelby and two other boys; one wearing green and the other wearing red.

"Koda? Chase? Y/n?" Shelby asked as the three of them saw us walk out. "Ms. Morgan?"

Kendall and Chase stood on one side of Keeper while Koda and I stood on his other side. Then Kendall started to say something.

"You fought to defend a stranger at great risk of your own life," Kendall explained, walking up to the group. "That's why the red energem chose you, Tyler."

A smile broke out on Tyler's face after hearing that. Then Kendall moved onto the next person in line, the boy wearing green.

"Your discipline and intelligence has given you the skills to protect others," Kendall continued. "That's why the green energem chose you, Riley."

As Kendall continued down the line, a small smile made its way to Riley's face.

"Shelby!" Kendall exclaimed. "Why the pink energem chose anyone's guess."

After Kendall had said that, the smile that Shelby had on her face was no longer there.

"Okay," Riley replied, his voice sounding skeptical. "But energems, dinosaur spirits, and bonding. It sounds a bit unbelievable."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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