Chapter Nine

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Dedicated to Colette_posi

Looking back, my eyes met Bryson Griffin's why is he always staring at me, what's his deal... Nolan looked up catching my eyes this time, a small smile formed on his lips, he snapped Bryson Griffin out of his trance. I looked away focusing on my homework.

Mental note: avoiding Bryson Griffin isn't that hard. Three days down ninety nine days to go.

My little brain figured the kiss was what I owed Bryson Griffin.

I'm Bryson Griffin free!!!



Zemela's pov:-)

Waking up by 6:40AM, a smile appeared on my lips. "I'm Bryson Griffin free God" I told God in my morning conversation with him. "Thank you thank you thank you" I sang as I made my bed.

I have a game next week Friday, I'm so excited! My first game in Bamford.

Humming Older by Alec Benjamin I showered happily, my dad was awake already so I made sure to keep my voice down.

"You're singing in the shower" Pamela's voice came from behind the door.

I rolled my eyes, "get a hubby Darasimi" using her traditional name she'll know I'm serious.

Minutes later I heard her shout probably from the living area, "stop singing in the shower, daddy said it's not good" typical! Attention seeker.

I resumed my singing when I didn't hear my dad's voice, I tip-toed to my room, locking the door behind me.

"Stupid" I muttered. Pamela's job is to get me in trouble.

As my grandma would pray, "any weapon fashioned against me shall not prosper"

I decided to wear my other  uniform, Bamford gave me three different sets of uniform each design having two pairs, unfortunately I didn't get pants. I got a skirt, a gown and a pinafore, the only thing making me happy about the school uniform is the fact that my dad doesn't like the length he says it's too short, I like wearing it cause he doesn't like it.

I always wear the skirt, today I'm going for the pinafore, nude pinafore, white crop button down shirt, tie and head band. Skyler also didn't get pants we could have exchanged.

I let my hair fall since the head band held it in place, I applied some gloss on my lips, sprayed my favorite gift from Skyler; Marc Jacobs, Decadence.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I remembered the feel of Bryson Griffin's lips on mine, Argghh!

It's nothing special, he's the first guy I'm kissing it's normal, maybe I should kiss another guy, should I? I should.

I will.

I picked up my book bag, mentally preparing for the mental torture called school and education.

My bus had gone already.

Good another day to be late. Yay!

I had to walk to the next bus stop hoping I would meet up, as I walked there I made my 'kiss another guy to forget about Bryson Griffin' plan, Arlo is the best person, Sadiki and Skyler are kinda a thing I wouldn't want to ruin it.

The bus arrived eight minutes later, I spent my usual five minutes standing in front of the school gate.

"Lord guide me" I prayed making my way into the school.

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