Chapter Eighteen

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Skyler's POV B-)

Zemela wore a different uniform today, I took selfies and posted them on IG, I got jealous by the comments and likes she was getting, she isn't even pretty!

Even Reggie commented on the post.

He felt it necessary to ask her out and tell her he likes her in my presence and the funniest thing is that I was the one who accepted the date on Zemela's behalf.

God I can be foolish!!!
Though from the smile Reggie had on his face I had a feeling he had a plan. A dangerous one.

I was over cloud hundred when Zemela said she wanted to kiss Reggie to forget about Bryson.

Of course I encouraged her so did Sadiki–his reason best known to him.
Bryson would finally see Zemela for the cheap slut she is when she kisses Reggie.
And I'll get the scene on video, two kiss scenes one girl.



The joy and happiness I felt after Zemela said she would kiss Reggie. And the throbbing in between my legs after Sadiki finger fucked me flew away immediately Zemela told us she was going to study with Bryson who was standing behind her, the last time they studied together things didn't end up good, and now he was even driving her, she was going with him in his car..

Why does life have to be this wicked?

He didn't seem to recognize me or even if he did he didn't show it.

I took a picture of Zemela getting into Bryson's car, I'll make sure to ruin her little self respect.
Fauna would be so proud of me.




Zemela has been on detention so we didn't hang out after school.

I spent hours planning on how to take her down with Fauna and her girlfriends.
We went shopping alot and hanged out with the other populars including Bryson fucking Griffin the love of my life.

"You still don't want to use cunning ways?" Reggie asked as I slipped into the booth of Sami's

Is he crazy? Bryson is just across the table he can hear us, the girls and I decided not to talk about our plan when the guys are around.

"Shut up!" I whispered sternly.
He chuckled, "whenever you decide I'll be one call away" he focused on his beer.

Stupid Reggie!


It's Thursday already, Zemela's game is this Friday.

"Hi" an unmistakable voice said from behind.
A voice I'll recognize even at death.
I turned around to look at the love of my life standing before me with all glory.

"H...hi" I stuttered.
"You're Skyler?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

My insides boiled, I remembered the first day he approached me during summer, I was still innocent then until he ruined me and showed me another side of life.
I nodded playing with my hair, "are you free?" He asked, of course even if I wasn't free now that you've asked I'm free.

"Yeah I'm free" I replied smiling.
Has he remembered who I am?
Does he want to get back with me?

"I need to talk to you. Not here though"
"Oh" I let out like the stupid person that I am...

Oh my God! If what I'm thinking is true I'll give out all my newest clothes to charity...

He led me to the gym, no one would be in there, the girls practice outside now.
Does he want to fuck?
The thought of  him touching me made me wet.

I sat beside him, it took me minutes to coordinate my thoughts I wasn't even listening to what he was saying.

"Can you remember me?" I cut him shut.
He looked at me, as if trying to find meaning in what I just said.
Nervousness ran through me, he doesn't remember me, inhaling I said, "last two years summer we were a thing"

His brows furrowed in confusion.
I continued though, "I was the virgin girl you were with remember? The inexperienced girl you thought how to watch porn and masturbate? You had told me you never had a sex as passionate as that night we did it in the church's toilet" I swallowed.

God please let him remember, I'll be so embarrassed if he doesn't.

He reminded silent, I continued shamelessly, "I've loved you since then, I have feelings for you" I exhaled.
When he didn't move or say anything, I attempted to kiss him, this brought him out of his thoughts because he moved away immediately our lips touched, "what are you doing?" He stood up.

"I'm trying to make you remember me" I shrugged, "...and I just confessed my feelings for you" the thought of rejection and the look on his face stung my heart, I blinked back the tears.

"I heard that" he said calmly, one of the things that made me fall for him, he is so calm, "what ever happened then was just a fling no strings attached" he said carefully so it'll sink in.
"I've had a lot of flings and I don't remember after it ends" the bullet hit me.

Who am I deciveing?
I knew he wouldn't remember me.
I just hoped .

I wiped my tears with the back of my palm, sniffing I asked, "what was it you wanted to talk about?"

I knew what he wanted to talk about but like always I hoped I was wrong.

"You like Zemela?" My tears rolled down freely.
"What does she have that I don't? I'll give you everything freely you don't even have to ask, I have a good life, why her? She isn't prettier and she is not even as sexy as I am, why her?"

He moved closer to me, I hoped he was going to grab me in his arms and apologize instead he said, "you're too pretty to be this desperate" he wiped my tears away kissing my forehead, "you shouldn't hold on to the past and you should learn to move on after a fling, a fling would always be a fling to me nothing more" with that whisper he walked out.

I stood there miserable and hurt.

I felt like killing myself.
Why would he not want me?
What does Zemela have?
She's just pathetic and useless.

You're wrong Bryson a fling isn't always a fling  and I would not move on because you are mine and mine alone. If I can't have you Zemela wouldn't either.

What's up guys 😊?

Long time no see.

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This is a compilation of Skyler's POV from chapter nine to twelve.
Other chapters with her POV might be shorter.

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