Chapter Forty-six

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Zemela's POV:-)

Bryson and I got really serious pretty quickly, we were kissing and doing other things at the slightest opportunity.

I haven't had much time to hang out with my own friends minus Ruby, we hang out at work and after sometimes.

I told Bryson earlier that I'd be sitting with my own friends at lunch, he refused at first but when I insisted he let it be.

"Hey guys, long time" I smiled at them.
"Oh we're remembered today" Sadiki said sarcastically.
I pouted, "I'm sorry guys, I really am" I apologized.
"You're a cool kid now we understand" Holden said.

I held his hand, "I'm sorry, c'mon guys I'm here now"
Vaughn cleared her throat then glared at me, "if you ever act like you've forgotten us again" she glared harder, "I'll cut your head off your body" she threatened.
I smiled, "I promise"

"They can never stay mad at you" Ruby said, I looked at all my friends, every one was smiling except Arlo and Sadiki, I made a mental note to talk to them separately.

Bryson and Nolan interrupted when Vaughn was telling us about her family's dinner.
"Mind if we Join in babe?" Bryson sat beside me, Nolan beside Sadiki.
"Errrr.. we're kinda having a friend's only time"

He pouted, looking at them all he asked "can't I be your friend? Arlo?"
I kicked his leg, Holden said, "our friends group is already so large"

"C'mon man, two more wouldn't hurt" Nolan said taking out of Sadiki's salad.
Sadiki glared at me. Hard. I swallowed, "why don't you two sit here, only for today" I said.

"You can't seriously let that happen" Holden said.
Sighing I said, "Bryson and I are a thing and I'd actually really appreciate it if my friends" I gave Arlo and Sadiki pointed looks, "would hangout with him and his friend, I'm not saying you should be friends friends we could hang once in while together. For my sake, please" I begged them.

"I think she's right guys, she's our friend and she wants to hang out with us. I guess we should tolerate extra company once in a while"

"You two have to behave if you want to hang out with us" Vaughn said.
"No, extra people apart from you two and when we want to be alone with our friend no argument" Sadiki said for the first time since I sat there and my heart melted.

"No shaming either, you do what we do. Things would be done our way" Arlo added and the smile on my face grew wider.
"Errr.." I glared at Bryson before he could say actually words. Raising his hand in defeat, "fine we agree" he said.

My smile brightened, "yay!" I clapped, "thank you so so much" I thanked all of them.

"Ice cream on me today" Ruby said.
Sadiki laughed, "okay! Someone's rich"
She fanned herself, "yes of course, I've always been rich"

Bryson whispered to me, "you're friends almost killed me"
"Fauna has been doing the same" I told him, "so enjoy!" I whispered.

After school, Vaughn drove us to Cruze farm ice cream, Bryson and Nolan said they weren't coming along I was sad a bit but I realized it might be for the better.

I made sure Sadiki was alone when I approached him, "hey" I stand beside him.
"Hey" he replies.

"Are you still disappointed in me?" I asked him.
He chuckled, "who says I'm disappointed in you?"
"Well..." I shrugged, "you're not angry, you are disappointed because I still forgave Bryson"

He sighed, "I'm not disappointed in you Zemela, I just pity you." He paused, "I'm disappointed in Ruby for encouraging you"

I turned to look at him, "why do you pity me?"
"Because it's Bryson Griffin you're dealing with, he can be honest yes, but he is very manipulative too and he can never fall in love, he can never like anyone" he said.
"Don't you believe he can change?" I asked.

He laughed this time, "Bryson Griffin change? It'll take a very huge miracle to change him, no offense not the type of feelings he has for you"

I remained silent, so he continued, "I had a girlfriend, Bryson Griffin took her away from me. We live next door, he made it happen that my girlfriend, the contented and loyal girlfriend I had for years before moving to the states, Bryson took her away from me when she visited me in the states" I could feel the pain in his voice.

I exhaled, "I'm sorry to hear that"
"There's no need to be, just guard your heart, don't let your heart feel too attached to him because he might break you" he said.

"Thank you" I whispered, "please I want the old you back" I begged.
"As long as he's not hanging around with us, I'll be your old best friend" he said.

After my conversation with Sadiki and Arlo, I was happy with the outcome. After having our ice cream, Vaughn drove Ruby and I to work and stayed for a bit before leaving.

"Did Sadiki say anything to you?" I asked Ruby.
"Yes but, it's nothing you should worry yourself about"
"I don't want anything happening between you two because of me"
She smiled at me, "Sadiki likes me, he can NEVER! stay mad at me" she said.

"He likes you?" I did a double take.
"Yes" she smiled.
"You like him?" I asked with wide eyes.
"Welllll..." She blushed.

"My God! What am I hearing?" I yelled.
"Shhhhh!" She shushed me with her palm.
"I'm so happy for him!"

"Yeah yeah, go back to your work" she rolled her eyes at me.

Through out the rest of our shifts I kept smiling at her, mentioning Sadiki's name, wiggling my eyebrows.

I was so happy at the end of the day, that I smiled in my sleep, I got Sadiki's number from Ruby so I could message him.

Reggie Abdon

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