Chapter Twenty-nine

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A/N: Child abuse, domestic violence whatever it is, is not promoted in Nigeria, don't get it all wrong. Just like every other country we have people who do such. Also we have parents who take their discipline too far but, that does not mean it is promoted and allowed in Nigeria or that all Nigerian or African parents abuse their children, discipline is far different from abuse.

Sowi for the long note, I just wanted to clarify things, Esé:-)


Zemela's POV:-)

I winced when I moved my head to the left, it felt like the world was on my head, my lips hurt, my arms hurt, my whole body ached.

Pamela's voice came from beside me, "Zemela?" I was thankful for how low and soft she spoke.
I opened my eyes slowly, I was in my room, nothing really changed expect for the drugs, bandages, injections and drips scattered on my bed, my door was wide opened.

"What..what happened after?" I could remember what had happened before I went numb, I didn't know the time but I knew time had passed.

"You were out for a day as a result of daddy's beating" her eyes were watery.

Oh my God!

"No" she shook her head, she understood my fear. I thought he was arrested by the police or something.

"He's at work, Aunt Mercy was the one that treated you and did the test because he didn't want to take you to a hospital"

Aunt Mercy is our family friend - I guess.

"What test?" I asked her.
"Just let it be, I made omelettes this morning I'll warm it up for you" she said leaving the room quickly.

My dad made Aunt Mercy do a virginity test for me, I wasn't surprised honestly, I hoped he was convinced. Aunt Mercy listens to my dad and does whatever he asks her to do just because he is like a father figure to her.

Pfft...a father who sleeps with his married daughter (Aunt Mercy). My dad has always been a cheater I hope he pays dearly one day.

I struggled to chew and swallow, my throat was dry like the Sahara desert. Pamela stayed home to take care of me instead of going to school.
She gave me some meds to help relax muscles and to help me sleep better.

Bryson's POV ;-)

"You like her man" Nolan said for the fifth time, he was driving me home because his father wants me to talk things out with my mother who has been around for two days.

"Can we not talk about her?" He has been talking about Zemela since he picked me up from the bus station.

"Yes, after you tell me why you offered her your honest friendship and why you lied about not wanting to sleep with her" I knew I made a mistake by telling my best friend what I told Zemela.

"I told you I don't know, I should never have told you" I mumbled the last part. I honestly don't know why I lied to her, my main plan was to screw her up and win but, it seems life had cliché plan for me.

"Bryson" my mom walked towards me immediately I stepped into the living area.

"I'll be in your room" Nolan whispered before heading upstairs.

"You really think you're an adult don't you?" She asked me. I relaxed on the couch closing my eyes to calm my nerves.

"Answer me" she demanded.

"Yes, I am an adult" I answered her damn question.
She shook her head, "you would not disgrace your father and I with your reckless behaviors"

"You are our only son and child, we love you but, you keep frustrating our efforts. You beat a boy up, Reggie is a sweet kid, he has good_"

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