Chapter 33

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Okay. So do you want long chapters that take forever to write, or short chapters where I can update a bit more frequently?


"And a merry Christmas to youuuuu!" The crowd sang, hoisting sloshing cups to the sky.

Anna hid in the darkness, watching as the aristocrats made a joke of themselves. They were sloppy and disgusting. Suits and vests and shawls were thrown to the outside walls and chairs. Shirts were unbuttoned and some pants littered the floors.

It was barely 10 o'clock, but most of the high-up families had left to celebrate Christmas at their own houses. The ones left behind were the ones that had no families of their own.

Anna was just waiting here for William to step away from the person he was talking to.

Unfortunately, Felicia, Anna's mother, was away on small business trip and wouldn't be able to make it this Christmas. It was all for the better, she guessed, since she would have to explain to her mother why she was engaged to a man she's only known for two months.

Finally, Will stepped away from the man and walked over to his fiance. "Sorry. Impromptu business meeting. Let's go."

Anna hooked her arm through his and they walked a large circle around the drunk aristocrats. Up the stairs they went, until they finally made it outside the ballroom. There, Anna's act fell and she leaned heavily against Will.

"Oh, Will....that was...."

William nuzzled his nose against her hair and wrapped his arms around her. "I know. You sure weren't expecting that, huh?"

She pulled away and looked up at him. "No, I wasn't. What...what persuaded you to ask?"

Anna knew what persuaded him to ask, or more like who: Daniel. She just wanted to know if he'd tell her the truth.

A dark look crossed William's eyes and he pulled away. " just felt like the perfect time. We haven't known each other long, but it feels like we have."


Is what Anna really wanted to say, but instead she just smiled, nodded, and cuddled into is arm.

Anna really did love William, but something inside her felt like all of this was going to come crashing down. And soon...

William led her away from the ballroom and several walks through hallways, in search of the family room. Will finally stopped at light yellow double doors. He knocked on them before walking inside.

Daniel, Charlotte, and Charles were all waiting inside, sipping champagne and eggnog. All of them had stripped down from their fancy wear and were now wearing pajamas. Even Anna had to admit that Daniel looked good in casual clothes.

The person she was looking at caught her stare and lifted an eyebrow. Anna blushed at being caught and looked away, turning into her fiance.

"When did you leave the party?" She asked Charlotte who was cozy-ing up to her brother in what could be deemed inappropriate- sitting in Charles' lap with his arms around her waist.

"Oh...after you walked away from the ballroom floor. We had someone to bully."

"Charlotte..." Daniel chided, giving his daughter a disapproving glare.

"Whaat? It's true. Isn't it, Charles?"

"It is." The other twin said, almost hiding behind his sister.

Anna smiled at how timid Charles' voice was, and how small it seemed compared to his sister's.

"Charlotte," William said, "Do you mind showing Anna to her room, and letting her borrow some pajamas? It's still quite a while until midnight."

"Yes. Of course." Charlotte rose and nodded at Anna to follow her.

Charles looks as if he's scared to be left alone, Anna mused, noticing how Charlotte patted her brother's back as she walked away. She gave him a smile of encouragement when she stepped past.


They stopped at Charlotte's room first.

Entering inside, Anna marveled at the hugeness of it. Her whole room was the size of her apartment! A huge canopy bed, high ceilings, a balcony! Hopefully, Anna's would be like this!

Charlotte laughed at her future sister-in-law, and waved her hand around, "Go ahead. Explore-"

Anna was no longer listening, and, if she had, she would have had a warning of what was to come.


Author's Note:

Okay. How was that? I know, I know. "This chapter was sooo short!" Well, I made like that, purposely. I decided that to make you more satisfied I'm making the chapters shorter. I know, scandalous. But, it also means that I'll get to update more frequently.

So, you all have to decide which is the greater evil: long, but waiting forever updates? Or short and frequently coming updates?

Alright, that's it!

Thank you!!!




Ps. Please tell me if there are any grammar or punctuation errors. Thanks again! :D

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