50 - The Red Wedding

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Anna couldn't believe where she was right now

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Anna couldn't believe where she was right now.

She was about to get married to a man she loved in a big freaking church that was filled with close to two-hundred and fifty people. Not to mention the other 150+ guests that were invited to come to the reception (there wasn't enough space in the church for 400 guests, though Daniel tried to make that happen.) Ooooh, now that she thought about the sheer number of people inside of the church, Anna really hoped she wasn't about to fall straight to her face the second she took a step inside. 

Anna let out a breath through her nose and tightened her hand around Daniel's bicep. Her future  father-in-law looked over at her and tilted his head in curiosity. "Okay?"

She nodded her head at first, then shook it quickly after. "No, not really... I'm trying not to think about falling straight to my face when I enter, but you know that thing that the more you try not to think about it, the more you do? That's what's happening right now."

Daniel squinted his eyes and slowly nodded, "I suppose I do understand..."

Anna smiled briefly and looked forward to the giant church doors.

The wedding ceremony was being held in the Notre-Dame Basilica of Montreal in Quebec, Canada. While searching through the many files Charlotte had laid out before her of various churches throughout North America, the pictures showing the inside of the Basilica always captured her attention. But now that she was thinking about it, maybe she should have chosen a smaller church, that way fewer people would be looking at her.

Anna was tempted to rub her sweaty hands down her dress, but resisted the urge. So, she sneakily rubbed her hands on Daniel's swanky, new suit. He glared at her but didn't say anything. Suddenly, a song started playing inside, and Charlotte, who was standing in front of her, squeaked. It was the song commonly played for when the bridesmaids were walking down the  aisle.

Charlotte, and a few of William's cousins, were her bridesmaids. Daniel was appalled when he heard that his daughter would be the only bridesmaid, so he made a few calls and now Anna had six bridesmaids, only one of which she knew. Charlotte patted her hair down and grabbed John's bicep. 

John was William's best man even though John severely disliked everything about Anna and would voice his opinions about her to him on multiple occasions. She's hiding something, man. Why else would she want a fast wedding? John would say. My father wanted the fast wedding, John. He's the one who came up with the idea. Anna was just the one who asked me first, William would reply back. I don't know, man. She's several years younger than you. That's fishy enough as it is. William would sigh and say, Would you stop it, John? I was barely in elementary school when she was born. Don't make me out to be some cradle robber.

Almost as if he sensed her thinking about him, John looked back to glare at Anna, and if looks could kill, she would've died twice over.

Anna's hands grew sticky again as she caught his gaze and glanced away quickly. She couldn't stand being near the man who might ruin everything for her.

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