Chapter Seventeen

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I didn't like what I was doing to William, but I found myself liking the fact that it was going to be William whom I was going to be spending the rest of my life with. It looked like a nice future. William would make a good father and an amazing husband. I'm sure of it. William is nothing like Ryan. William has so many different aspects to him that Ryan never had. The most important one... patience. Ryan had not one ounce of patience. He got angry if you made him wait too long, but I was lucky that I liked to get to places early. That was one of the reasons Ryan liked me.

I laughed suddenly, finally seeing the ocean in front of me. I tugged on William's hand, wanting our pace to go faster. William chuckled and sped up a bit.

"William! Come ON!! Move FASTER!!!" I tugged harder.

"Sweetheart, we're already here. A few seconds late won't matter to the ocean."

I glanced at William, clearly not laughing. He laughed out loud, seeing my face at his answer.

"Not. Funny."

"Sorry, sweetheart, it's just I'm amazed that you have never been to the ocean before."

I looked away at his now questioning gaze, and sighed, remembering what Daniel had said: "I can make your life and everyone else's close to you very difficult! And you will do everything he wants to do! And if a baby comes out of it, then it's all good. It'll make him marry you even faster, and I'll be a happy man, which means that your family will be safe."

I sighed and leaned on him a bit, putting my head on his shoulder. "My family hadn't always been as financially stable as they are now. We used to be poor, so we had to save money where we could. Since the beach was so far away from where we lived, we didn't want to waste precious money on gas."

"Well... I'm glad that I'm the guy that got to witness your first encounter with the beach."


I sighed and nodded. "I'm glad you are too, William." *


"No no no no no. No more talking! Let's just go to the beach already!"


She couldn't step in. All of the stories that she heard were ringing through her head. Sharks, jellyfish, killer whales, killer... everything. She couldn't do it. Anna was literally three feet away from the ocean waves.

William would have stood there all day watching her, but then he remembered that they had dinner reservations. Their first date. William was a bit ashamed to say it, but he was a little nervous. There was something different about Anna. Something... good and whole. Something that he didn't want to mess up.

William sighed and stepped toward Anna. He knew just what to do to get her moving.

Anna jumped when she felt William's hands on her hips. He chuckled softly in her ear and rested his chin on her shoulder. "What are you so afraid of?"

Anna blushed red and ducked her head. She didn't think he'd notice that she might have been afraid of something in the water. "I just.... everything. Everything that might kill me. I can't go in there knowing that---"

"How about if I go in there with you?"

Anna whisped her head around to look at him.

"Really?" She said breathily, "You'd go in with me?" *

William smiled at her brightly. "Of course. I didn't bring you all the way out here just for you to see the ocean and not go in it..... Now, come on. Hop onto my back."


William turned around and bent his knees, showing me his back. I took a deep breath and took a few steps back before taking a small running leap and pouncing on him, wrapping myself around him. William easily stood up and turned back around, facing the ocean. "Ready?"

I hesitantly nodded, tucking my chin into his neck. William slowly stepped forward, again and again, until we were just a few away from the slowly crashing waves. The little waves rolled around his feet, splashing him a bit. William kept walking forward and didn't stop until the water was around his knees.

"Further." I said, still unsure about the water that was slowly getting higher to my feet.

I felt William nod and walked further again. I scuttled up further William's back as the water reached his hips. I'd be swimming in that. That is how short I am compared to William. He was a foot and some inches taller than me, which infuriated me greatly.

"You okay up there?"

I lightly hit William's back, not laughing at his rising amusement. I still nodded though, clinging to his shoulders tightly.

"You ready to go in?"

I nodded again, staring hesitantly at the blue-ish, green-ish tint of the water. William let go of one of my legs, arching back and wrapping his arm around my waist. He brought me slowly forward, one of my arms still around his shoulders and legs wrapped around his waist.

"Okay, now let go. I'll still be holding on to you, so don't worry about falling into the water."

I let go.

William caught me and slowly lowered me into the water until I was rib deep. I squeaked suddenly, shivering a bit from the slight coldness of the water. He chuckled and brought me forward, into his chest. "Is this okay?"

At first I thought he was asking if it was okay to hold me, but then I realized that he was talking about the water.

"Yeah. This is fine. " I replied, kicking my feet. My swimming lessons came into mind and I started kicking harder wanting to hold myself up. "Let me down please."

William looked at me carefully for a while then nodded. William let go and my body splashed into the water.


Author's Note:


SO, SO SORRY For the kind of late update!!!!! It's testing season, and I swear these people want me to die from an aneurysm for studying so hard. And they STILL give out homework even though we have to take TESTS the next day!!! Like who the flip DOES that???? We have a LIFE you know!!! (Even though I spend most of it on Wattpad or in a book!! Hehe...)

Anyways, thanks for (kind of) waiting patiently!!!! Please remember to VOTE AND COMMENT!!!

Even though I LOVE votes, I LOVE comments even MORE!! I love knowing what you all are thinking!!! So let me know!




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