Chapter Twenty

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William didn't come back last night.

It's 10:45 a.m. And he still isn't here.

I sighed and knocked my head against the dining table. The maid serving me coffee must have taken pity because she sits down next to me and pats my head. I lifted my head and looked at her, giving her a small, grateful smile.

"He came back early this morning." She says, giving my hand a tight squeeze. My eyes water and I gasp.

"What?!" Damn it! I know I should have woken up early! I would have caught him, and he would have no choice but to listen to me... Then, this would all be behind us!

The maid nods and looks away, almost indecisive about something. There was something else...

"What? What is it? Tell me...please." I say, grabbing her hands, forcing her to look at me.

"He was with a woman this morning... and they looked pretty... cozy...with each other. She was wrapped around him like a Red Vine. It was revolting."


She nodded again. "It seems that he spent the night with her... He, uh, he wanted me to give you this..."

She holds out a folded piece of paper in her hand and lays it on the table. She gives my hand a last squeeze and walks away.


I expect you to be packed and gone by the time I get back. -William

So this was the William everyone talked about. The cold one.

Ugh! He wouldn't even let me explain myself!! God, I hate this! These men, both William and Daniel, were both annoying, cold hearted beasts that like toying with other people's heads and life!

I had enough of this. These men... messed with people's lives. William left and wouldn't even let me explain. Then, he goes out and gets himself a bimbo. He doesn't deserve love if this is how he acts when he thinks someone's lied or betrayed him.


After diddling around the mansion for a few minutes, I finally packed up my things, said goodbye to the ocean, and left. I spent the next few hours seething in my seat everytime the bus I was in jumped, jerked, or even moved.

It was good to be home. Little Mouse had clearly missed me. He was practically jumping with joy in his cage.

I tried giving him a reassuring smile but couldn't. I dipped an Oreo in milk and shoved it into my mouth. And, no, I wasn't depressed like a little sad teenager that's contemplating ice cream coma just because her three-month boyfriend cheated on her. I was just sad. Sad... that my chance at $5 million dollars was gone...

Also the chance at possible love... Cause I knew that I was definitely starting to really like William.

Stupid William. Stupid Daniel.

They were all a'ssholes.

Knock! Knock!

 I considered not answering the door and nodded, shoving another cookie into my mouth. Little Mouse squeaked, bouncing around in his cage. I tossed an Oreo inside and watched. Little Mouse jumped onto it immediately, nibbling at the edges.

Knock! Knock!

"Gah! Can't people just leave me alone?" I said, standing up and stomping over to the door. I ripped the door open and gasped.

"What... what are you doing here?!"


Anna blinked in shock. Why was he here? Didn't Daniel know what was going on? Didn't William tell him?

I forget. Of course not! William thinks that his father is my lover! If I thought my boyfriend was cheating on me with my mother, I wouldn't be talking to her either. Never mind that! I shouldn't even by talking to Daniel! He's the one that got me into this mess in the first place!!

"Mr...Mr. Winters, what are you doing here?"

Daniel gave Anna a weak, crooked smile and nodded at her. "Hello, my dear. How grand it is to see you again... even with you in your cute little PJs."

Anna blushed and turned her head. "Uh... thank you, Mr. Winters."

"Anna, dear, how many times have I told you to call me Daniel? We are friends, you know." He smiled at Anna and grabbed her hand, walking to the couch.

Are we?


De Monte Manor

Senator's Office

A Few Hours Earlier

"The plan is in progress, Father."

Claire crossed her legs and fidgeted in her seat. Senator de Monte stared at her from across his desk and narrowed his eyes.

"How will we know when the plan worked? Or if it had worked at all? Hmm, Claire? How will we know?" How will we know that you're not a failure? is what he seemed to be saying.

Claire cleared her throat and straightened in her seat. "We will know soon if it worked, and if it didn't work... well, she could always go back and do it again. It wouldn't be so hard, I imagine. Not for her, at least."

"Claire, this must work. There are no exceptions for failures in this family, need I remind you? This must work or you shall cease to exist for us. Got it?"

Claire nodded and stood from her seat, waiting for her father to dismiss her. Senator de Monte waved his hand and went back to his Blackberry.

Once outside of his office, Claire released a deep breath. I hate having to talk to my father. It's funny though, how when I was younger... all I ever wanted to do was sit on my father's lap and talk with him. Now... I despise everything about him.

I despise him.



Tada! First... I just want to say that I'm so so so so sorry for the HUMONGOUS wait! Part of it, of course, was because of me finals and I HATE them to death! Another part of it was WRITER'S BLOCK!!!! Gosh... I HATE that too, maybe even more than finals. Actually... no. I hate finals more.

So...once again I'm sorry for that wait. It wasn't my intention for that to go on for so long. Hope I still have my fans! Love you guys! So supportive!! ☺☺☺☺

OH! And this is dedicated to ghostOFaGirl_ because she is the first person EVER to put my book and I into her Wattpad's Hot Stories!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! ☺☺☺☻☻☻☺☺☺☻☻☻☺☺☺☻☻☻

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