14.Fortune cookie

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The time passed and the sun went down after awhile. The front door swung open. Jason rushed in slamming the door with all my suitcases and bags. "Here!" He angrily exclaims throwing my things to the floor. He takes his jacket off hanging it on the hook near him turning to look at me with a scowl on his face.

I didn't know what to say I still couldn't process the idea of Jason being alive and the fact he almost kissed me is driving me insane!
I just looked at him speechless. He stared back It was like a contest of who could watch the other one more. Our eyes locked and didn't move at all.

"What do you want for dinner?" He finally broke the silence with a almost whisper.

"Um I'll eat anything it's up to you." I looked away.

"Okay I'll order Chinese." He walked into the kitchen leaving me alone on the couch. Things seemed weird now and I wasn't sure why.

But I had bigger problems. Dad was pissed at me. Not just Dad but I'm sure Bruce and Dick aren't happy either. The only person I could call that wouldn't go off on me right now would probably be mom or Tim. Me and Tim aren't super close but if I needed help I know he would come through and Bruce wouldn't have to know.

The only problem is I can't just call him if Jason hears he'll be livid I'm sure he's not Tim's biggest fan I mean he did kinda replace him.

If I'm being honest I've only gone out fighting twice. Once with joker and once to save Jason's ass and I loved it! I went through almost 2 years of training thanks to Dick. I wonder what Jason would think of me becoming one of them?

I wouldn't wanna kill I only wanted joker dead for solid reasons. I can see myself now I'll be so badass! Wait I'm forgetting Jason, Dad , and Dick would hate the idea of me putting myself into dangerous situations!

I shake my head at the idea of it.
"Foods ordered it will be here in 20. I don't care what you do till then." He just glared at me

"Okay I get it yes you can be mad I jumped in front of speeding cars even tho I was saving you! But get over it! I helped you and for once in your damn life except the fact someone else saved your ass!" I bit my tongue! Did I just say that oh he's going to go off on me now!

He glared at me! "You know it's real funny when I actually needed help and saving y'all sat around and didn't do shit! But now I'm back and suddenly everyone's on my ass telling me what to do and trying to save me!" He threw the book in his hand to the floor.

"You think I just sat around! What the fuck was I supposed to do Jason I was 15 you think I wanted you dead if I was given the chance I sure as hell would have saved you and made sure you lived! It was hard on me when you died it really fucking hurt! But instead of us being happy you're alive you wanna walk around and make everyone miserable and feel like shit! I wanted you saved but I had no say in the situation so take it up with your dad! And you know what I can find somewhere else to stay if I bother you that bad!" I let it flow out my mouth without a second thought!

"Bruce is not my Dad!" He looks down at the floor his fists clenched.

"Is that all you can say?" I try to stay strong but tears start to leak down my face.

"Sarah I-I" he stuttered

"No forget it! I shouldn't have gotten out of the taxi. I'll see you around. hopefully." I start to pick up my bags yet again.

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