Everyone found out...

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*video call between Nathan and Lily*

- Everyone found out...

- What??

- A paparazzi took pics at the beach...

- We were just walked...

- We were not just walked, u know that. - i said with a small smile.

- Sorry for kissing you... i made a mistake.

- No, u didn't, it was time for it... do not blame yourself. I love you, my problem is not that what they found out, it is with how they found it out.

- I love u babe.

- Everyone keep calling me... - said Lily checking her phone which did not stop ringing.

- Oh shit me too. Did you pick up for anyone?

- Yes, to David...


- No, he wasn't angry at all, he was just sad bc we didn't tell him earlier...

- He's not angry? I thought he will loose his mind...

- He is happy that i chose someone between his friends... After the last the years... He trust you, Nathan.

- Wait... - said Nathan he checked his phone.

- What?

- A guy just keep messageing me on insta.

- Who?

- A guy called Onur...


- Who is he? Is he your...?

- My ex.

- Your financé?

- Ex.

- ...

- What does he want?

- To talk to me about you... he thinks i am too old for you... for god's sake!

- I can't believe it... by the way there is just 5 years between you two, and he didn't have a problem with himself... i thought if i move away he is not gonna interrupt me...

- He is not interrupting you, he is interrupting me...

- About me... it doesn't matter.

- What should i do?

- NO REPLY. I'm gonna make this one.

- No, i want to protect you! You are not alone with this...

- I know, babe, but he is my problem, not yours, i can make it.

- Ok, but tell me everything!

- Always. I have to go, David is calling me again.

- Ok, but one last thing, i was thinking about make it official, i am going to write an insta post about us.

- Good idea, your writer character is back in the game!

- Ohh i feel another topic is coming soon...

- Well, u are right, catch up later.

- Love u

- Me too 

We both post insta about each other, which spread widely all over the internet. A lot of people were pretty happy about us, but just should know some of them wasn't...

Nathan's post:
Dear everone,

I would like to announce that i am in love. Yes, all the rumours are true, thanks to the paparazzis who are everywhere in our lives. I have a wonderful love with my long-term happiness, who was my co-star. I am really proud of her, she is the most professional young lady who i have ever met. That's why i am proud to be her boyfriend. I know all the gossip about me, i was an all-time single, everyone keep thinking that i will be alone forever.

A couple months ago, it changed, she changed my whole life. She changed how i see the world. That's why those ones who are not believing in us, i should tell you a secret, i want her for the rest of my life.

I wish everyone to be as happy as i am now.

Lily' post

Hey guys,

I think everyone knows about what i want to write about. I am officially broke up with my fiancé, because i think 3 people is too much in one relationship. Also i have to tell, i am not angry, i am fine, just let him go, i moved back where i belong, to new york.

Cause i find my love. We have known each other for years, but through the years we didn't really have time for each other. After everything that happened in the last couple months, he was all my trust, my best friend, a shoulder where i can cry. During that i realized i feel so much more than a good friendship. I feel rich, precious, valuable, pure LOVE. Maybe first, hopefully last time in my life. I am so proud to be a girlfriend of an icon.

i love u nathan. 


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