Be at the place i never wanted to be again

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After landing, Lily got a little nervous. But than she called her bestie.

- Yes, Hazal we landed, I am at gate 3, where are you?

- Oh, i see you! Heey! - said Hazal and ended the call.

- Oh i missed you so much! Çağrı! - Lily ran to hug his cousin, and Hazal.

- Oh i missed you my little one!

- How you doin'?

- You know we are happy, both working, but i missed my cousin so bad...

- I know, but i am here now. - he hugged Lily again.

- Talking about happiness... Where is he? - Hazal asked.

- Oh, he is just checking in... i have dual citizenship, but he doesn't. He is at another gate, 6.

- Let's find him. - said Hazal - I am so excited.

- Tell me about everything, is he really that nice?

- Definitely. He is the cutest man alive. - said Lily with a huge smile.

- He is super famous... - Çağrı said.

- Yes, also super talented. You gonna love him!

- Hello everyone! - Nathan said.

- Let me introduce my boyfriend, guys he is Nathan Fillion, Nathan, he is my cousin, Çağrı and my best friend, his girlfriend, Hazal.

- So happy to see you. Heard a lot about both of you. - Nathan said.

- Really?

- Yea.

- I hope just bad things. :) - Çağrı said.

- Of course! - Nathan laughed.

- Where do we stay? - i asked.

- I booked a studio house in the center, it will be enough for all of us. I planned that we are staying with you for these days, i don't know when i can see my little cousin in the city again...

- It is a nice plan, thanks, but u know, u can visit us anytime. - Lily said and started walking out.

- And Nathan, have u ever been there before? - Hazal asked.

- No, but i am pretty curious about it.

- We will show everything, we will discover it together babe! - his girlfriend said and hold his hand.

- Oh u two are so cute together! - Hazal said.

We arrived to the house. It was far from the airport, but it was in the city center.

- The view is beautiful... but not as much as you are... now i understand what do you love in this city... - Nathan said, looking out of the window right at Bosphourus.

- Yes, that's why i was passionate about this city... it is magical, working and being loved, being famous here feels like a wonder... That's the place where i become famous... - Lily said but her phone rings.

- Who is it? - Nathan asked.

- Onur.

Both of them stay silent, she answered the phone.

- Efendim?

- Merhaba. Burdasın? Ben konuşmak istiyorum.

- Neden?

- Sence? Taksim, bir saat sonra, lütfen. Yalzin gel.

- Tamam. Bir saat sonra.

She put down the phone.

- What does he want?

- Meet me.

- Why???

- He didn't tell me anything... just that i have to go alone.

- That's not gonna happen!

- Don't worry. Everything will be okay. I am coming here for work, and he worked with me most of my time, he was my number one actor, a masterpiece of my early career.

- No! I want to go with you! What do you mean by he is your masterpiece? Is there anything that i should worry about? You are here again, everything feels like you are home again, and there he was a part of your home.

- Nathan... - Lily said, stepped closer and hold his hand – Yes, you are right, he WAS my home. But he is my masterpiece, because i wrote him great show, where he could develop himself. He could break out, how i never seen anyone before... He could be perfect actor because of me... And no one can change that, i am proud of him, professionally, but not in my private life. I have to end it. Beacause i found my new home. - she looked at him and give a tiny kiss into his lips – And i want a perfect beginning for my new life. I love you baby, he can't change my mind.

- I know... But... I...

- What?

- Thinking that u are meeting your ex fiancé, at where you were a perfect couple, makes me feel anxious, i won't lie.

Okay, that's not gonna happen than.

- Ok, you can go with me.

- Really? No argue?

- No, making you feel axious do not worth for me to not to bring you too. We will talk to him together.

- Talking together with who? - Çagrı walked in.

- Onur called me, he wants to meet me.

- Yes, Nathan is definitely going, i also would not let you meet him alone.

- Me too, at least Çagrı is planning to kick his ass. - Hazal arrived to the room.

- Ok, so Çagrı is definitely not going. - Lily said – And Hazal i don't want go get you in trouble, so i am going with Nathan.

- To trouble? Why? - Nathan asked.

- We are working on a project together... - Hazal said.

- What? Really? - Nathan asked.

- Yes, that was my last thing that i did here... To put them to the same production together again... They played together in the show that i wrote, i told you about it, and they played a couple, and fans were freaking out because of them. So i planned it all.

- And it was genius idea... but now it is hard to work him, he is closed in person, professional, not asking me about Lily on set. But it is hard for me to smile...

- Actually Nathan could tell you a story about bad situationship between co-starts... couldn't you?

- Yes, i have experience – Nathan smiled.

Another problem that I have to solve, once we got home.

- But later, we have to go...

- Where u meeting? - Çagrı asked.

- At Taksim.

- Oh... - Hazal said.

- Why 'oh'? - Nathan was curious.

- Because that where we first kissed...

- Holy crap, I'm definitely going! - Nathan said with unstopped jealousy.

- Çağrı, did u rent a car? When i left, i sold my car here...

- Yea, i know so actually, i did... That is your early birthday present...

- What? 

- I rented a black ferrari, for the whole week.

- WOOO... Really??? - Lily was pretty surprised like a 4 year old in Christmas.

- Wow that is super cool! - said Nathan.

-Here is the key, take care, call us when u are finised we will go somewhere to eat out. - Hazal said.

- Okay, but Nathan I am driving!!!

- Sure... :)

I took the key and give a huge hug to my cousin. 

- Everything will be fine.

Or who knows?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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