Chp 30- Wild

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I put the machine on the man's head and I see his eyes widen.

Я собираюсь задать вам вопрос, если ответ будет неправильным, я вас шокирую.
(I'm going to ask you a question, if the answer is wrong, I'll shock you)

Я никогда не предам свою страну
(I'll never betray my country)

Тогда приготовься умереть, защищая свою страну.
(Get ready to die whiles you defend your country)

Первый вопрос... Почему вы напали на нас?
(First question...Why did you attack us?)

Я не буду кричать на тебя. Иди к черту.
(I won't tell you.Go to hell)

Единственный человек, который сегодня отправится в ад, это ты
(The only person who will be going to hell today is you)

I press the button in my hand sending shock to his body.He shakes and looks at me.

Кто послал тебя
(Who sent you?)

Alexandr...отправил мне
(Alexandr sent me

Что, черт возьми, нужно Александру?
(What the fuck does Alexandr need?)

"Флешка... Он не остановится ни перед чем, чтобы заполучить ее.

(The pen drive..He will stop at nothing to get it)

ну он не прав

(Well he is wrong I hear Sirius say)

Suddenly a notification pops up on his phone.The man smiles and suddenly there are gunshots everywhere.He had a fucking tracking device....

"This place is not safe..We have to leave now..My men will ward off their men..Amira go and get the twins and Miera" I hear Sirius say.

"Let's go, tesoro" he says

"We are running... I'm not running" I say.I hate to run away from problems.

"They are too many, tesoro...Please, let's go now"his voice breaks out in barely a whisper.

"First...I have something to do..Go ahead..Send me the address of where you are going"


"No buts,chooch"

"Fine...Then I'll stay with you"

"Don't be stupid.. I'll be fine"

"I'll stay with you, tesoro" he says.It seems I can't change his mind.I look at the man still tied up and I cut his head with my dagger. We blaze out of the place trough a secret passage..We get to a huge parking lot and Lewis is in the car with the others.

"Get in"

We sit in and Lewis starts to drive.I can see they had found us..They were trailing the car and shooting it.

"Gun"I hear Alexandr say.He shoots and one of the men in the other car gets hit.Ugh.....

"Let me drive,Lewis"

"Okay"he says and I skid into the driver's seat.Its time to go wild.

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