Chapter Five

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Yoongi had a headache by lunchtime.

It wasn't Hoseok's noise or the teacher's voice that brought it on. It wasn't the new clothes sticking to his body or the reminder that he had to go back to the Kim's house after this, back to the unknown waiting for him.


It was the niggling ache in his left shoulder bringing back harsh memories.

Although not severe, it was enough to prove an irritation, and Yoongi needed to take a break.

Hobi, as he had insisted he was called, was making random noises as he packed his belongings away.

He'd revealed a little more about himself during a conversation, and Yoongi had learned he was older than the group he would later meet; his favourite colours were green and purple, and if he talked a lot, it helped soothe the aggressive outbursts his body gave.

It wasn't a cure, though.

He had flinched and wrenched his body countless times throughout the morning, made loud, disruptive noises and tapped his feet on whatever surface they found.

But surprisingly, no one seemed to care. His peers were all used to his loud behaviour and continued their work without looking up.

They weren't phased by his oddities anymore.

Yoongi groaned as he rubbed his shoulder and threw everything unceremoniously into his bag. He should be more careful with his belongings, but he wasn't in the mood to care about breaking a pencil or damaging the notebook; he was tired and hungry.

Hobi noticed the elder's sudden change from passive to grouchy and recognised the signs.

Jungkook described it as 'hangry'.

When the youngest member was so ravenous that it turned to anger and frustration at the world.

He waited patiently for Yoongi to pack up and smiled when their eyes met fully for the first time, even though it was a split second of contact.

"Come on; we should get something to eat. I don't know about you, but I am starving!" Hoseok exclaimed, hoping to get the blonde boy a little more energised and positive.

He was met with a stony silence, but it just glanced off his thick skin.

When you were friends with someone like Taehyung, this kind of cold, dead-pan look was meaningless and inoffensive.

Hobi had to resist the urge to reach out and grab the new kid by the arm, as he did with his friends.

His wrists looked so fragile that he worried they would break under his grip. That and the boy was still a stranger who had not established rules on touching.

If he were anything like Jin, that would be a no-go. And he certainly didn't seem the cuddly type like Jimin, so Hoseok refrained and played with the strings of his hoodie instead as they roamed the corridors.

He probed and asked if the older boy had enough money for lunch and watched his reluctant nod as they walked to the line.

Yoongi couldn't stop the uncomfortable feeling creeping up the back of his neck when kids moved behind him. They were minding their own business and showed no interest in him, but his senses were still high, and he edged away carefully.

He never went to the cafeteria in his old schools.

Nobody gave him money for lunch, so there was no reason.

The room was bustling with noise and activity, there were hundreds of kids everywhere, and it was a little disorientating, combined with Hoseok's constant chatter; it was a lot to take in.

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