Chapter Twelve

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"It's so weird," Namjoon said softly, watching his boyfriend drift around the bedroom, touching and mindlessly fiddling with everything.

Jin always did the same thing when he visited the younger boy's house because it made him more at ease. Especially on days like these.

He was relatively calm and steady, but the discomfort was simmering because he knew what was coming.

"They knew each other from before," The dark-haired boy started, brushing his fingers across the spines of his lover's book collection. He had so many now. "Jimin doesn't talk about foster care for a reason."

It had been a relatively normal day for Namjoon and the older boy.

He accompanied Jin to therapy and patiently waited outside for the ninety-minute session, flicking through his book and keeping an ear perked in case the elder became distressed and needed help.

After a session, they always walked through the park, which helped the older boy calm his frazzled thoughts and erratic memories, and then they went home. Back to Jin's for dinner so he could spend time with his family, and then they would head to Namjoon's house.

Once a week, they closed the bedroom door and initiated something that would be considered unusual in another relationship.

Planned intimacy was hardly romantic and could never be spontaneous through its very nature, but it was what the eldest needed to help with his journey to recovery.

Jin wasn't ready for sex yet, and despite participating in this kind of desensitisation therapy for a while now, it would be some time before he would be. But still, once a week, he tried to engage with the sandy-haired boy a little more.

He wanted to be a normal young adult who kissed his gorgeous boyfriend whenever the fancy took him. He knew that other couples their age would be intimate and sexual, but he couldn't be that way.

Every fibre of Jin's being screamed in fear at the thought of letting anyone near his body, even his precious Namjoon.

He knew that clumsy, protective, lovestruck fool would never hurt him intentionally, but still, the idea of being naked or allowing a single provocative touch sent Jin into a frenzy.

So that was why whenever the younger boy settled himself on the bed, resting his back against the headboard, the elder started his calming routine.

The black-haired boy started at the furthest point in the room and fiddled with the collection of figurines, usually dusting them off with a crooked finger until he felt brave enough to move along.

"They knew each other from before," Jin replied, clutching a small toy in his hands and examining the marks. "They must have been close."

It was an odd moment when the eldest walked into his bedroom to see one of his closest friends wrapped in the arms of the new foster kid living in his house.

Both boys looked cosy but much closer than two new friends. They looked almost like...lovers.

Yoongi wasn't keen on physical contact, that was obvious, but with Jimin, he was completely different.

Hobi said that both boys sat incredibly close during lunch; on the first day, the pink-haired boy clung to the blonde, and he allowed it like it was perfectly normal.

"I bet they'll be dating by the end of the month," Namjoon replied with a chuckle, his eyes twinkling as the elder looked over his shoulder.

"W-what's the bet?"

Jin's voice wobbled as he slowly edged towards the desk adjacent to the sandy boy's bed, his hands tensing as he swallowed past the fear.

The anxiety was already building higher and higher; the cold shiver creeping down his neck made the black-haired boy tremble.

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