Chapter Thirteen

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For the first time in years, Yoongi woke from sleep with the familiar weight of someone lying over his arm. It was the perfect amount of weight, and he almost didn't want to move.

He had no idea what time it was, just that he could hear Mrs Kim's voice in the darkness alongside the light breathing of the pink-haired boy beside him.

He lay silently as the bedroom door cracked open and light poured in.

For a split second, Yoongi held his breath, feeling the anxious rush hit his system almost immediately, making him tighten his arm around the sleeping boy and pull him close.

It didn't matter where they were and who was at the door; his mind screamed only one thing.

Protect Jimin.

Yoongi had to beat away the urge to run over and slam the door because he knew the gentle woman behind it had no intention of hurting anyone. She was probably there to wake the younger boy and send him home.

Although the elder had been suspended, Jimin still had school in the morning.

But the streak of protectiveness was instinctive, learned behaviour after years of abuse and suffering. It set his heart racing and immediately coiled his body for a fight.

The blonde kept his eyes fixed, letting Jimin continue to sleep unawares, nuzzled by his side as Mrs Kim appeared around the door.

Their eyes met almost immediately, and she smiled but made no effort to come further into the room; she just lingered in the doorway, taking in the sight as she pressed a phone to her ear.

Maybe, Mrs Kim could see the concern in Yoongi's eyes, or she'd learned long ago that entering a bedroom in the dark was terrifying for the kids who lived in their house. But, whatever she was thinking about, the woman stayed far away.

"No, it's absolutely fine. They are both fast asleep." She said down the phone, despite looking straight at the blonde whose eyes were wide. "It's okay. I'll take Jimin to school in the morning, and he can borrow some of Yoongi's clothes; I'm sure he won't mind."

The blonde sighed as he lay his head back down, letting the bubbling anxiety settle again by admiring the pretty face sharing his pillow.

The older boy stared at the velvety bronze skin when the bedroom door closed.

How many times had he lay on an old mattress over the years and wished to have Jimin by his side?

How many nights did he spend thinking about the only person he could relate to and his life after leaving the Chois?

Looking at him now felt like a surreal dream Yoongi couldn't understand.

The pink-haired boy slept innocently but stirred a million thoughts and feelings in the elder.

Jimin was handsome, charming and carefree these days. He had a pretty smile and soulful laughter that lifted Yoongi's mood and masked the dark memories.

But that laugh and close proximity weren't enough to completely erase the compulsive thoughts that bombarded the elder every time he looked into those dark eyes.

Every bright smile was met with the memory of tears trickling down his face. Every playful giggle rivalled the sound of Jimin screaming his name in desperation.

Sometimes, the pink-haired boy grabbed the hand of one of his friends and dragged them through the corridors, laughing loudly, and it reminded Yoongi of walking to and from school together.

And sometimes, it reminded him of hiding Jimin behind his body, using himself as a shield between the boy and his attacker.

The elder wanted to hold the boy close and push him away for bringing back the plaguing thoughts. He wanted to kiss his beautiful face, let him go but stay by his side all at once.

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