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Your eyes flick open as you wake up, the morning blessing you with a spit of rain, as it feathers at your skin and dampens your clothes. It takes you a minute to readjust to your surroundings, met with wet grass, and a missing warm body that once laid beside you. You blink hard, recalling the events of last night and suddenly feeling the warm ache sat between your thighs. It was a nice ache, gave you a recalling flush. You notice the darkened spots on your hips, bruises. Notice the dirt pressed and smudged into your knees, appearing like someone's tried brushing it off but it only sort of worked. You find your clothes to be back on you, mysteriously.

You look around for Jake.

He isn't here. You feel your chest tighten and your heart do a little drop. You mentally kick yourself for it, because you both obviously knew it was just sex and nothing else to it. Like, it was some sort of mutual thinking that no strings were attached. Definitely.

It's gonna fuck up your lessons, that's for sure. For all you know, he's gonna start giving you dick sucking lessons.

But seriously, you were stuck. You still had that.. hole buried in your chest, it hadn't been filled. Not with his fingers, not with his whole body. It was just there. You were frustrated. At so many things. At Jake, at his sudden attitude towards you lately, at your unwavering attraction towards him, at yourself.

You fold yourself, knees tucked in, and your arms wrapped around them as your chin rests on it. A rain drop hits your face, rolling down your cheek as if it was a tear of your own. The irony of it almost makes you laugh.

Today's your break day, which means you can spend it however you like.

You decide to start the day by spending it down at the river. You strip yourself of your clothes, laying it beside the stream. As soon as you dip a toe in, you already feel a whoosh of calmness rush through you. You dive into the water, the coolness soothing your achy muscles and easing up your tense mind. You wet your hair, whisking your hands through it and getting rid of any sweat or grime you had on your body from the past day.

It was in the middle of the night, and Jake was wide awake as you sleep soundly, buried into his body as he supports you with his arm. He can just hear the sound of your gentle snoring, and by Eywa, is it the most adorable noise he's ever heard. He looks down to your face, and he doesn't think he's ever seen you this close before.

He catches the gentle curls of your eyelashes, the plump of your lips that are barely agape, the white glowy dots that freckle your forehead and cheeks. You're such a pretty girl, with a heart so full of fire and passion, it's almost overwhelming. You're almost overwhelming.

Guilt pangs his chest as he thinks back to the last few days, with the way he's been treating you. It's embarrassing, almost. And it's nothing to even do with you or your actions, it's his own stupid fault that he's just so intrigued by you. He's attempted to ignore it so many times, tried to push it deep down his chest and lock it away, even had a few warm bodies to lie next to him to numb the unexpected attraction. But it didn't work, it wasn't you.

But now that he finally had gotten to touch you, to touch your lips and your body and your femininity... it felt like something was missing. Like something hadn't been filled and it should've been.

He looks to you again, brushes out the few strays of your hair that wave in front of your face. He focuses on your forehead, and he hesitates, but overall decides to give it a gentle kiss, and his lips stay on your skin for a longer time for it to just be platonic.

He decides to lay there just for another few seconds, to adore in the way your warm body curls against his. Then he's slowly moving away from you, and his heart pulls at the way you instinctively reach out for him, eyebrows gently pinching together as a quiet groan pulls from your your lips.

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