Chapter 9

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Anya smiled as she walked into the door, "Anya's home!" She said happily as bond ran up to her and her parents walked into the room.

"Welcome home anya! How was school?" Yor asked with a smile.

"Good! Anya told everyone about my little brother!" Anya proclaimed proudly as she put her hands on her hips and smiled.

Hearing this caused Yor and Loid to blush, the smallest things seeming to fluster the two despite what they had just finished doing. "T-that's good! I'm glad to see your excitement Anya-San." Yor said with a smile. "Speaking of which your uncle Yuri is coming over tonight for dinner," Yor placed her her pointer finger infront of her lips and bent down to Anya's level, "he doesn't know about the baby yet so we need to play spy and not tell him ok?" She said knowing that giving Anya this "mission" would give them a higher chance of her not spilling the beans.

Anya's eyes lit up as she happily nodded, "Yes Agent mama!"

Loid couldn't help but smile seeing the two interact, he had already seen how great Yor was with Anya and how they warmed up to one another, he knew it would be the same for when the baby came.


Yor nervously stood around the kitchen trying to help as Loid prepared dinner for them, she had gotten changed into more loose fitting clothing, worrying that her small baby bump would give their news away. Yor found herself gently rubbing her stomach thinking of how her brother will react.

Loid, being the spy he was and always aware of his surroundings, noticed the uneasiness in his wife.  He looked over to the living room and saw Anya preoccupied with an episode of BondMan playing on the television, knowing this was his chance to help calm Yor down beforehand.

He set the knife down that he was using to chop up vegetables with as he swiftly moved over to his wife, putting his hand onto her lower back and soothingly moving his hand in a circle.

"It's all gonna be ok I promise Yor, your brother cares about you so much and he'll understand how much you wanted this as well." Loid said in a soothing whisper to his wife as Yor instinctively leaned against him keeping her hands on her stomach.

She looked down at her small baby bump as she replied, "It's more so I'm worried of him even having the thought of us doing... you know... he feels like he has to protect me in a way like I protected him years back. But it's not like that, I wanted to do it that night just as much as you did, we both know how I get when I'm drunk." Yor said a bit embarrassed at the thought of memories flashing back of that night.

Loid had a blush appear on his face as a flashback came to him as well, remembering one phrase she wouldn't stop saying.

"Yes~! Oh my god, don't stop until you've put a baby in me!"

Little did he know how true that yell of pleasure would become, never thinking he would've actually ever gotten a woman pregnant. He shook his head, moving that thought aside for later. "Don't worry Yor, I'll make sure nothing happens to any of us I promise. Your brother truly cares for you and loves you, he wants what's best for you and if this is something you really want then he'll have no choice but to comply."

Yor felt more at ease not only by his words, but also just being near Loid. Something about him relaxed her to her core, his scent either calmed her completely down or drove her crazy and he wouldn't be able to get her away. She brushed it off to her hormones going crazy from the pregnancy. She smiled as she looked up at Loid kissing his cheek, "Thank you Loid, I'm sure you're right. If need be I'll tell my brother how much I really wanted this."


A knock was heard at the door, as Yor walked over to go answer it, and Loid, Anya, and Bond got in position to greet Yuri. Loid on the outside looked cool, calm, and collected. But on the inside... he was hoping to make it out alive tonight not knowing what Yuri would do to him for getting his sister pregnant.

Yor opened the door nervously as she tried her best to put on a convincing smile, not letting her nervousness show through. "Hi Yuri it's good to see-"

Right as Yor was greeting her brother she felt him giving her a tight hug as she couldn't help but laugh a bit.

"Yor! It's been too long! I've been dying to get another taste of your cooking-" Yuri said as he pulled away from the hug and glared right at Loid. "Oh he's here." He stated making it clear that he wanted to see his sister and his sister only.

Yor gave a small sigh, "Yes he's my husband Yuri." The black haired woman stated as this was something her brother tended to say every time he came over.

Loid just gave a polite smile, "It's nice to see you again Yuri, of course I'm sure you remember our daughter Anya and our dog Bond as well." He stated putting his hand onto Anya's shoulder as she tried to be on her best behavior.

Yuri gave a small smile to Anya and Bond giving the two a wave, he really didn't like either of them that much but knew how much it meant to his sister so he did his best to be polite.

"Please come in, dinner is almost ready." Loid stated as he headed back into the kitchen to finish preparations.

Yuri took a seat at the table, pouring himself a small glass of wine, a move that made Loid sigh in relief as he knew how the siblings handled their alcohol.

Yor went into the kitchen to help Loid bring over some of the food, and Anya went and sat down at the table as well. Yuri has his eyes fixated on his sister, as he saw Loid put a hand onto his sisters back, he scowled at the sight of seeing him even touch her.

Soon enough the food was brought over to the table and Yor and Loid sat down, Yor sitting next to her brother, and Loid sitting next to Anya.

They all began to eat, as the silence in the room was almost unbearable for Anya to handle. But she sat quietly eating her food remembering what her mother had told her.

"So what have you been up to Yuri?" Loid asked breaking the silence knowing also of how nervous Yor was.

Yuri swallowed the food that was in his mouth as he shrugged, "Just work, the usual. I would have visited sooner but work was fairly busy. What about you Yor what have you been up to?" He asked a smile forming on his face just wanting to take the time to talk with his sister.

"O-oh me? Um... just you know the usual work, and I've been sick the past couple of months-" Yor said without thinking pausing as she tensed up at the fact of having to tell her brother the news.

Yuri barely noticed the pause as he quickly stated, "a couple of months? Have you gone to the doctor? Do you need medicine? Are you ok?" He asked worry filling his voice.

Yor just gently smiled, "O-oh yes I'm fine! That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about-"

"If you need one of my organs just take it! You've done so much for me it's the least I can do!" Yuri quickly said as he bowed at his sister wanting her to know he would do anything for her.

Loid and Anya silently sat there watching the conversation as Loid thought to himself, 'He doesn't even know what's wrong yet and is already offering his organs, he really would do anything for her.'

Anya read her father's mind as she thought as well, 'Unkie is making dinner interesting."

Yor quickly shook her head, "No no that's not it at all! My organs are fine!"

Yuri sighed in relief as he looked at his sister, "that's a relief, what did you want to talk to me about? Is this about Loidy?" He whispered the last part to his sister, knowing full well that Loid could hear.

Yor shook her head again, "No, well not really, kinda? It involves both of us-" Yor said not choosing her words correctly causing her brother to death glare Loid.

"What did you do to her, I swear if you hurt my sister in any way I assure you you won't live to see tomorrow." Yuri said not taking his eyes off of Loid.

Loid laughed nervously, "You know I wouldn't do anything to hurt her, I care about her more than anyone I can promise you that."

"NOT MORE THAN ME! Not more than me..." he said yelling at first then calming down a bit as he cleared his throat. "Anyways continue big sis." He said looking over at Yor not expecting what was coming next.

"Well..." Yor took a deep breath as she looked over at Loid who gave her a reassuring nod, feeling much more confident she faced her brother. "Me and Loid, we're having a baby."

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