Chapter 10

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Yuri nearly choked on the food he was eating as this was the last thing he was expecting to hear from his sister, "You're WHAT?!" He said shocked as he then focused all of his attention onto Loid as he pointed at him glaring daggers. "You! How could you do this to her did you even talk about it before?!"

Loid felt sweat drip down his face as he looked nervously at Yuri, "Well it's not like we planned-"

"YOU GOT HER PREGNANT WITHOUT EVEN ASKING IF THATS WHAT SHE WANTED?!" Yuri yelled seeing red, he tried to pounce over the table at Loid but Yor quickly stopped him and held him back.

"Yuri! Just wait! Sure we may have not planned it at first, but we both want this, I want this!" Yor yelled as she gripped onto her brother tightly as tears formed in her eyes.

Yuri snapped out of it hearing the desperation in his sisters voice, as she let go he turned to her now feeling upset for making her cry.

Loid got up from the table as he went to comfort his wife, wrapping his arm around her as he wiped her tears away with his other hand. "It's ok Hun, he didn't mean to make you upset I promise."

Yuri was looking down at the floor, clearly deep in thought. Yor and Loid after their moment looked over at him to see how he was doing.

Suddenly Yuri grabbed the bottle of wine on the table as he quickly downed the whole bottle.

"Yuri no!" Yor said in defeat as she reached a hand out trying to stop her brother, but ultimately knowing she couldn't.

"I can't believe my sister is growing up so fast... first a husband and a kid and now she's carrying a baby..." Yuri said in his drunken state sitting down onto the chair hunching over in defeat.

"There there unkie." Anya said trying to comfort her uncle, also only having half an idea of what was actually going on right now.

Loid let go of Yor as he walked over to Yuri and put his hand onto his shoulder, "I know this is a lot of change at once and you're still getting used to having me around, but just know Yor is in good hands I promise. I won't let anything bad happen to her, the baby, or Anya."

Yuri sighed, "I'm trusting you Loidy, but if you ever make her cry just know you won't live to see tomorrow."

Loid nodded, "Trust me I wouldn't do such a thing, she's my wife. I love her deeply and wouldn't let anyone lay a hand on her." He said while looking back at Yor, whose face was bright red at the mention of love.

Yuri glared up at him as he put his coat back on standing up, "Well then you win this time Loid Forger, but soon enough I'll uncover who you really are!" He said while running out and closing the door behind him.

Yor sighed as she leaned onto Loid, "Well that could've gone worse."


Later that night Anya was put to bed early, tired from the eventful dinner they had.

Yor and Loid were in the kitchen cleaning up the dishes from the dinner. Loid could tell his wife was exhausted from the eventful day they had, he put his hand onto the lower part of her back as he looked down at her. "You doing ok?"

Yor nodded as she sighed softly putting her hand onto her stomach, "Yeah, just a lot of stress from the dinner. I don't wanna put too much stress onto the baby either."

Loid nodded as he kissed her cheek, "Why don't you go lay down and get some rest. I'll finish up the dishes."

Yor smiled up at him as she nodded in agreement, "Thank you Loid, that's a good idea."


Loid finished up the dishes as he then made his way to his room, shutting the door behind him. He turned around to his bed as a smile came across his face seeing his wife fast asleep.

He walked over to the other side of the bed as he laid down next to her, looking over at her peacefully asleep. He reached over and gently put his hand onto her baby bump as he couldn't help but smile knowing that was their baby in there. He felt a hand go over his as he looked over to see his wife smiling over at him, half asleep.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you, I just still can't believe this is all real, it feels like a dream." Loid said sharing how he felt, which he rarely did.

"Same here, it feels like a nice dream that I'll wake up from and wish it was real." Yor said with a smile.

Loid focused his eyes onto her stomach, "I wanted to talk to you again about what happened that night, I just want you to know that I didn't intend to get you pregnant on purpose or anything. I just wasn't thinking clearly and-"

"Loid you don't have to apologize, I know you didn't mean to. Still though it's a nice surprise from what turned out to be a beautiful night." Yor said gently as she looked down at her stomach as well. "To be completely honest... I really wanted to have a baby together. Sure I was surprised to hear the news, but I was also excited. Ever since I've known about our baby growing inside of me, I've had such a love for him similar to that I have for Miss Anya. They're both my babies even if I'm not her biological mother."

Loid smiled as he thought for a moment, in that moment he wanted to come clean to her about everything. Being a spy, his fake identity, how Anya wasn't his biological daughter, all of it. But he knew with that came risk that he could lose his family, and he knew he couldn't take that risk of losing them. "I'm glad to hear that, because I would do anything to protect our family."

Yor smiled up at him as she kissed his cheek, "I know you would, so would I."

Beautiful Mistake (TwiYor / Loid X Yor)Where stories live. Discover now