Chapter 12

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Tears spilled down Yor's face as she held a baby in her arms with bright blonde hair and beautiful red eyes. She held Anya's hand with her free hand as Anya was crying as well.

Yuri placed a hand onto Yor's shoulder as he wiped the tears off her face, "Sis it's time to say goodbye, they want to start the burial any minute now."

Yor couldnt stop crying as she held onto the baby and Anya's little hand tightly. Anya let go of her hand as she ran up and hugged the closed casket. "This can't be real, Anya wants her papa back!" Anya said in between sobs as Yor put her hand onto her back rubbing it back and forth to calm her down.

"It's ok Miss Anya he's out of his pain now..." Yor said choking back tears as she took a step towards the casket. She looked down at the picture of Loid that was nearby, tears swelling up once more. "You'll always be the only man I ever fall in love with... please watch over us." Yor said as she bent down and placed a gentle kiss onto the casket. Tears from both Anya and Yor falling onto the top of the casket.

It's time to wake up Loid, you have a family to get back to.


Loid sat up panicked as he breathed heavily, quickly moving his hand to his stomach which still hurt from the gunshot wound.

"Loid you're awake!"


Was all he heard as he looked over and saw both Anya and his wife crying as Anya jumped into his arms. He wrapped his arms tightly around her as it hurt a bit, but he didn't mind at all. He felt tears swell up in his own eyes as he hugged his daughter tightly. "I had the worst dream, it was like I was watching from somewhere else. It was my own funeral, and you two were so upset. It was almost like my mind was telling me to wake up or else that's what would happen."

Yor reached over as she put her hand onto his back and gently rubbed his back, "Thank god that was just a dream, I don't know what we would do without you Loid."

Anya nodded as she hugged him tighter, "Anya can't live without Papa by her side."

Yor smiled hearing their daughter say those words, "Aw, Anya don't hug him too tight now he still has to heal."

Anya let go of the hug and hopped back onto the ground next to Yor, "Right!" She said happily as she just seemed relieved to see that her father was okay.

Loid looked over at Yor as he reached over and grabbed her hand, "speaking of which, in that strange dream I had you were holding a baby. He had bright blonde hair like mine and breathtaking red eyes like yours."

Yor blushed as she couldn't help but smile, placing her other hand onto her bump. "That must've been our baby, who knows maybe that's exactly what he'll look like."

Loid smiled happily back as he held her hand, just feeling relieved that he was there with his family again.

Loid then heard someone else walk into the room as he looked over to see who it was, relieved to see the familiar square shaped glasses and signature curly hair.

"Glad to see you're awake and doing better, things weren't looking so good for you man." Franky said as he walked over to the other side of the bed.

Loid let out a small laugh, "It takes a lot more than that to kill Loid Forger, that's for sure. Thank you for everything you've done for my family Franky, you were a real life saver for sure."

Franky smiled, "No problem I don't mind, besides you've got a kid on the way your family needs you."

Loid looked over at Anya and Yor and couldn't help but give a soft smile, he truly did love his growing family.


Two weeks later, Loid breathed a sigh of relief as he walked back into his home for the first time in a long time. "It's nice to be back home." He said as Yor and Anya walked in after him. Bond ran up to him, and Loid gave him some good pets. "Hey I missed you Bond, our whole family is reunited once again."

Yor couldn't help but smile seeing how happy Loid got for seeing every member of their family.

"Yay Papa's back home! That means Anya won't fail her math test again!" Anya said excitedly.

Loid sighed as he remembered the stress of being a father, "yeah we're gonna have some serious studying time these next few weeks to get you back on track."


Once Anya was out to bed, Loid made his way to his room, opening the door to see the familiar sight of Yor sitting on the side of the bed, brushing her hair. He couldn't help but smile as he walked over to her and sat down next to her, putting his hand onto her back. "It's good to finally be home again."

Yor nodded. Then almost as if a switch was turned inside her head, she began to sob as she hugged Loid tightly. "I thought you weren't gonna make it... I was so scared... the thought of you not being with me anymore, our baby never getting to meet his father, all of it was so scary... I'm just so glad to have you home..."

Loid wrapped his arms around his wife as he smiled gently and rubbed her back trying not to get crushed by her strong hug. "I told you I'll never leave you, and I intend to keep that promise. I'll never make you cry again." He said as he wiped her tears.

Yor smiled gently as she felt tears swell into her eyes once more as she leaned in and gently kissed him. A kiss that would last as long as the two could without air before pulling away.

Yor jumped a bit as she put her hand onto her stomach, "I think the baby is happy to have you at home too." She laughed a bit as she felt Loid's hand being placed onto her stomach as well as the baby kicked where Loid's hand was.

The two sat there, in each others arms, feeling their baby move around and kick for a while.

Yor decided to break the silence, "Hey Loid? I think it's about time we talk about everything that happened a few weeks ago."

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