V1 - C5: The curiosity of a cat

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Ayanokouji Kiyotaka POV

Everything went according to plan, which doesn't surprise me since even if something went wrong I had multiple backup plans, within which Atsuomi ends up where I want him to end up.

"Although he still has a lot to do..."

I need to keep creating stories of my secondary and main characters to fulfill my purpose, therefore, tie them to the main story...

What is the main story?

The first thing to understand is that

This is not a game of chess...

This is the story of a chess game.

For the story of the game to flow, I need pieces.

Leaving that aside...

Atsuomi's story at this point is written, this play created by me, it's just a part of what's to come, although it won't be long to leave it free will...

The only thing missing is his last performance, the last page of the book, I will let his story write itself since by modifying most of it all will go according to my wishes so my intervention will no longer be necessary, he will perform for me.

Whether I wanted it or not, even without realizing that fact.

"I expect a lot from you Atsuomi, don't disappoint me"

As I think about it right now I continue to create possible stories with billions of possible outcomes from everyone I interact with.

"By changing a person's life a little or interacting with them a little, it's enough... That person will already be in my hands and they will only be my characters"

Consequently, others will fall like dominoes.

And if they don't fall

I will force them to fall

"Humans are open books, whether they like it or not, they filter part of what their life is through unconscious actions"

What about me? Am I human?

What is it that makes a human?

The answer is in the question.

I will be entering a school soon, so I hope to find a good actor there.

I need to improve my facial expressions.

An Elite school apparently, with an acceptance rate of 100% which is obviously false, I would not be surprised if everyone, intelligent or not, realizes the falsehood of said 100%.

I guess the school would give 100% employment to special people leaving the others as waste....

No. It could not be a waste, it would be defects.

Exam scores in this country (Japan) are divided into 4 classes. A (優) which would mean a grade of 80 to 100% Very Good.

The second is B ryō (良) which would be Good or outstanding from 70 to 79.99%

The third C: ka (可) which would be in simple words Average, would be approved, but a grade of 60 to 69.99% would not be highlighted

The fourth note is F fuka (不可) which has the meaning. Fail 0 to 59.99%

The possibility that the classes are divided in that order to separate those who will reach 100% employment.

Defects that's what I'll call them. It would be the last class.

But replacing the F, would be the D, would it be possible for the other letters to be replaced?

I'm not an omniscient being so I would have no idea, but for now I'll stop digging into it and think about other things, I'll leave it at that.

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