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Mrs Cratchit: Please, don't apologize.
Mr Bucket: Quite a burden you've been carrying.
Mrs Cratchit: When will you have to take me? Can I at least say goodbye to my family?
Mr Bucket: I have to confess, Mrs Cratchit, that I am more than a little taken aback by this sudden turn of events. Part satisfied to finally learn the truth about how Jacob Marley was dispatched, part at a loss as to how to proceed with that information.
Mrs Cratchit: I don't understand.
Mr Bucket: I must ask you to wait here while I collect my thoughts. Assimilate them, shape them into a course of action. Can I trust you to remain in the house?
Mrs Cratchit: Yes.
Mr Bucket: If you are not here when I return, I will notify every police officer in London. You will be apprehended, and it will be the worse for you. * I said picking up the rolling pin and placing it into a bag*
Mrs Cratchit: Where would I go?
* I sighed and left the building. As I was walking down streets and alley ways I thought to myself "how did I never know"*

Y/n's POV

* Once Arthur and I had left because of Compeyson and Amelia's interaction we went to The Three Cripples. Arthur and I sat at a booth in the corner*
Arthur: I'm sorry you had to see that.
Y/n: No, I'm sorry. That must be really weird for you, seeing your sister doing such things.
Arthur: It is, I don't even know what I'll do when I see Compeyson again.
* And just like clockwork Compeyson appeared before us. He had a smirk plastered on his face with an obvious hickey on his neck, showing it like he took pride in it*
Compeyson: Havisham, Sparrow. You don't look any more pleased to see me than you did earlier. Though she begged me not to, I left the warmth of your sisters bed to find you, Havisham.* He said taking a seat before us*
Y/n: Watch your mouth, Meriwether...
Compeyson: Oh~ What's got you in a bad mood? * He said smirking*
* I scoffed and rolled my eyes at his comment*
Arthur: So, you care for Amelia's dignity no more than you do mine.
Compeyson: I care for myself, Arthur, as always. Which is why I was little shocked to discover a clerk from the offices of Jaggers and Tulkinghorn has been making enquiries about me.
Arthur: And you think that has something to do with me. With my lover?
Compeyson: Has it?
Arthur: No, though I expected Jaggers would do as much the moment the marriage was announced.
Compeyson: And are you secretly hoping he'll find something to expose me for the liar and charlatan I am?
* Arthur grinned and took a sip of his whiskey. I pulled it away from him and took a sip myself making him glare at me a moment before grinning slightly. He then returned his attention to Compeyson and his beautiful grin disappeared at the sight of him*
Compeyson: Because Havisham, if he digs deep enough, he'll find you too, won't he?
* Arthur's lips turned into a frown as he looked up at Compeyson, meeting his gaze*
Y/n: You're an asshole, Meriwether Compeyson.
Compeyson: I could say the same about you, Sparrow. You're background isn't perfect either isn't it? With your mother, father and all?
Y/n: Piss off...
* Arthur took my hand in his and gave me a worried glance. I nodded my head at him and calmed my breathing. I slumped into the seat and sighed heavily*

Honoria's POV

Father: Honoria, may I come in?
* My father walked into my room and sighed at the sight of me. Sunken eyes, slumped posture, hair a mess*
Honoria: How was your trip?
Father: It went well enough. * He said sitting beside me*
Honoria: I'm pleased.
Father: Frances told me...
Honoria: Do you mind if we don't discuss it?
Father: No, of course, as you wish. Though you must feel a weight has lifted.
Honoria: I feel... Nothing.
* Father took my hand in his and squeezed it tightly*
Father: You've been given a fresh start. Wonderful future.
Honoria: It was a girl.
Father: You have to put it out of your mind, Honoria. What's done is done.
Honoria: Her name was Esther Frances.
Father: You have a family. Frances and I will care for you.
* Father stood up and let go of my hand as he walked out the door*

Frances: POV

* Father walked down the steps and stopped beside me, he said*
Father: Perhaps we should consult a doctor.
Frances: And tell him what exactly? Was your trip successful?
Father: In part, Sir Leicester holds much influence. But there were those who sought assurance of his continued involvement. An assurance I couldn't give. We should perhaps tell him Honoria's back. That she wishes to see him. It may lift her spirits.
Frances: She may need a little more time.
Father: Time in which our creditors may lose their newfound confidence in me. She should put this behind her, Frances move forward. You'll send word to Sir Leicester.
* I nodded my head and watched as my father left the room*

Mr Bucket's POV

* I walked into a prison cell with guards by my side and said*
Mr Bucket: Mr Manning.
Mr Manning: Who are you?
Mr Bucket: My name is Bucket, inspector Bucket.
Mr Manning: What business have you got with me?
Mr Bucket: Well, I understand you have confessed to the murder of Mr Jacob Marley.
Mr Manning: Mmm, no. They wrote down the names, I made my mark. I killed that prostitute, and that sailor. Because he took my turn, and she let him.
Mr Bucket: Jacob Marley was a gentleman who was murdered at the docks on Christmas Eve.
Mr Manning: What about him?
Mr Bucket: You told inspector Thompson that it was you who beat him to death with a cosh.
Mr Manning: Well, I must have done.
Mr Bucket: You don't recall?
Mr Manning: I've beaten to death a lot of men... With a cosh, and some I was paid for, and others were personal.
Mr Bucket: And Mr Marley?
Mr Manning: Listen, I've killed... Three of them, what you would call "gentleman", and I took their wallets, and I took their lives, and I would take yours, too. If those big lumps weren't beside you. But as for their names... I didn't ask. I never asked them.
* Mr Manning broke out into laughter and began clutching to his stomach*

Mr Jaggers POV

Mr Lowten: Everything I could find sir, on Mr Compeyson. * He said handing me a file*
* I paced through it only to find a few papers and signed documents*
Mr Jaggers: Is this is?
Mr Lowten: Yes, sir.
Mr Jaggers: Look, er... You did understand your task?
Mr Lowten: Yes sir, but I could find nothing untoward.

Y/n's POV

* After Compeyson, Arthur, and I all finished talking Arthur and I held back in the back rooms. I sat on a sofa with Arthur sat next to me. Arthur waited, and waited until eventually saw the person he was looking for, Mr Lawton. He quickly kissed my cheek and stood up, walking over to the man*
Arthur: Well?
Mr Lowten: I did as you said, Mr Havisham.
Arthur: Exactly as I said?
Mr Lowten: Anything that wasn't favorable regarding Mr Compeyson has been lost.
* Arthur pulled a few pounds out of his pocket and handed it to the man*
Arthur: You will not discuss this with anyone, do you understand?
Mr Lowten: You have my word, and the position we discussed in your new company? 
Arthur: All in good time Mr Lowten, and back to your desk before you're seen here.
* Mr Lowten nodded his head and walked away. Arthur walked back over to me and sat down beside me*
Y/n: It's quite fun, hearing and seeing your personal affairs.
Arthur: Only you get this privilege. Don't go blabbering around town saying Arthur Havisham let me see his shady trades.
Y/n: I won't, you know that.
Arthur: Hmm, I do.
Y/n: Is everything okay? With Compeyson?
Arthur: I guess, there's nothing I can really do about it.
Y/n: You can back out.
Arthur: He'll just kill me.
Y/n: I'll protect you, I'm big, strong, and tough.
Arthur: Uhuh, you couldn't hurt a fly even if you tried.
Y/n: Ay! That hurt my feelings.
Arthur: Oh, I'm so sorry, do you want me to get on one knee and pledge my loyalty to you. * He said in a sarcastic tone*
Y/n: No, no, no, definitely not... But I would like to see you on one knee...
Arthur: One day my love, one day eventually. * He said winking at me*

A/n: Thank you so much for reading, I appreciate it, good bye!

Arthur Havisham x Y/n * GENDER NEUTRAL*Where stories live. Discover now