Forever And Always! ❤️

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Amelia's POV

Amelia: Is the carriage here? * I said smoothing down the wedding dress*
???: Yes, Miss.
* I sighed in relief and turned to Honoria and said*
Amelia: I feel sick.
Honoria: You'll be fine. Uh maid, a glass of water?
???: Yes.
* Honoria smiled and looked at me with a sense of pride on her face*
Amelia: I don't want to be late. Or do I?
Honoria: You'll be there at the exact moment you're supposed to be. I'll see to it.
Amelia: What would I do without you?
* Honoria smiled and handed me the banquet*
Honoria: You're done, ready?
* I nodded my head and smiled. Moments later I was walking through the halls, veil and all, with Honoria tailing behind me. I felt happy and anxious all at once, it made me feel sick, but not to the point of puking. As I passed the line of maids they all bowed at my presence, I felt powerful. I gasped as I suddenly tripped over my shoe, but I didn't fall over, nearly although*
Amelia: Wait, my shoe. My stocking's tight and it's pinching.
* As Honoria and one of the maids were fixing my dress a door opened to reveal my dear Compeyson, Arthur and his lover, Y/n*

Y/n's POV

* I walked with Arthur and Compeyson inside. I held Arthur's hand tight, I wanted to provide a feel of comfort. This was clearly a hard time for him, even if this problem was going to be fixed. It hurt him to see Amelia so pleased by his presence*
Amelia: Meriwether.
Compeyson: I'm sorry.
* As Amelia passed the banquet over to Honoria Jaggers clapped his hands together making all of the staff leave. Amelia raised her veil to reveal her very confused face*
Arthur: Give it to her.
* Compeyson made his way to Amelia's side and passed her a letter, the letter that held the truth. He backed away and returned to his spot beside Arthur*
Y/n: You must read it now, Amelia.
* Amelia opened the letter and slowly walked into the dining room and sat down on a chair. Everyone followed her in silence, it was so quiet in that room to the point of if you dropped a pin you would hear it. I squeezed Arthur's hand as he had visible tears in his eyes. Honoria decided to break the silence by saying*
Honoria: Amelia?
* Amelia's cheeks were turned red and she no longer wore the beautiful smile I would always see. She scoffed and said*
Amelia: All a lie? For my money?
* Compeyson turned to Arthur and harshly said*
Compeyson: Leave us, please.
Arthur: I will never leave you alone with my sister again.
Amelia: I don't believe it! You've made him say these things. You've forced him. * She said standing from her chair*
Y/n: Tell her.
* Compeyson sighed and looked down at the floor as he spoke directly toward Amelia, yet wouldn't hold eye contact*
Compeyson: Yes, they forced me to come here, to write what you hold in your hand. But what I've written is the truth, I'm sorry.
* Compeyson turned back to Arthur and said*
Compeyson: I've done what you asked, damn you. Now can I go?
* Arthur nodded his head which made Compeyson head toward the door. But Amelia chased after him making him stop in his tracks. Jaggers handed Compeyson the bag of money Arthur had stolen from Amelia that led to her to say*
Amelia: What's that?
Arthur: Money from the sale of the brewery shares. I said he could have it if he came here and told you the truth.
* Amelia had tears in her eyes and she forced a small smile that was returned immediately with a frown. I smiled weakly back at her and shifted my feet as I was feeling out of place in this conversation. Why did Arthur even want me here?*
Amelia: You said you were sorry?
Compeyson: I am.
Amelia: Then show me, leave without the money.
Compeyson: I will burn the money if I can stay for an hour alone with you. * He said walking toward Amelia*
Arthur: No.
Compeyson: I will hear her speak!
Amelia: I am not to be bought!
* A set of heavy silence wade over the room. Compeyson suddenly grabbed the bag of money and made a break for the door but was stopped by Amelia once again. But this time it wasn't for conversation. Amelia aggressively punched at Compeyson's chest as she sobbed. I shivered in fear as I saw how upset she was. Arthur noticed my change in emotion and squeezed my hand, it was our way of saying "It's okay, stay calm" without actually saying it. Amelia finally pulled away and returned to her seat as she sobbed into her sleeves*
Arthur: Get out.
* As Compeyson took a step forward toward Amelia, Arthur would take one as well. I was proud he was taking his role of Amelia's brother seriously. It made me feel happy*
Compeyson: Everything in that letter is true. It was as cold and as spiteful as you believe it to be. Every moment, every second was contrived, bent to one purpose, to relieve you of the Havisham fortune. I didn't care about you or once think beyond the money. But these past few weeks, as I neared what I thought I wanted, I saw an even greater prize before me. I saw you, and I loved what I saw. As I stand here now, I... I love you still, I swear it.
Y/n: You're already married, Meriwether.
Compeyson: It was a marriage of convenience, nothing more. I would have freed myself from it. Fate throws people together in different ways. No one is given a choice of how that first meeting will be. A sibling's fury and desire for vengeance may not be as palatable as a chance meeting in the park or an introduction through mutual friends.
* Tears stained Amelia's cheeks as she sobbed in silence. Compeyson took notice of her silence and got on one knee before her and said*
Compeyson: But until I knew you, I didn't know you. Every lie I have ever told you has become true, every falsehood is undone, every promise remade, because although it was never part of my plan, you have stolen my heart.
Amelia: And you have broken mine.
Compeyson: Then, give me the slightest glimmer of hope and I will stay and I will repair it. I love you, Amelia.
Amelia: And I loved you. Oh, my sweet Meriwether. There are things that can never be undone. You have taken all the secret things about me and tainted them. You have made them dirty, and now the joy of them has turned to shame. You held my head to your chest, as I sobbed like a child because I missed my father. I cried so hard I could hardly breathe, and the rise and fall of your chest comforted me, and you made me feel an equal. That we could face this cruel world together. You made me trust you. Made me feel safe in your arms, as If nothing bad could ever happen to me again, and I gave myself to you. Which of these can be undone?
Compeyson: All of this, I swear.
* Amelia nodded her head 'no' and grinned slightly*
Amelia: You cut too deep. To think that every moment I lost myself in you was false. I looked on you as my life and you looked on me as your prey. You have broken me. So I want you to go. To leave me sitting here amidst my folly, surrounded by my stupidity for all the world to see, for my father to look down on. Do you think he will be proud?
Compeyson: Amelia.
* Compeyson reached for Amelia's face but she jerked away and scoffed in disgust*
Amelia: Please make him go.
* Arthur and Jaggers led Compeyson out the door as Honoria and I stayed back with Amelia. I frowned as I walked closer to her and stayed by her side*
Amelia: Stupid shoe! I'll have to have it seen to. Will you look at it for me? * She said looking over at Honoria*
Y/n: Amelia-
Amelia: No, it's okay.
Honoria: Uh, yes of course I will.
Amelia: We have time. Only I... I don't think I will be getting married today after all.
Honoria: Amelia.
Y/n: Amelia, I am so sorry. I tried to get them to stop, I swear on it. But they wouldn't listen, Arthur is better now but Compeyson, was just in it for the money. I am sorry.
* Amelia sobbed and tugged on her ring*
Amelia: It hurts so much, I fear I shall go mad.
Honoria: Let me help you upstairs, get you out of this dress.
Amelia: No.
Honoria: Amelia please, come with me.
Amelia: No! I don't wish to change! Don't you see? I must wear it until my heart has healed itself. Until then, I will wear it to remind me of my foolishness.
* Suddenly Arthur burst into the room with a bottle of champagne*
Arthur: He's gone! Finally.
Amelia: You hated me that much?
Y/n: Amelia please don't-
Amelia: No!
* Arthur's gaze shifted to me then back to Amelia. He lowered his hands and sighed*
Arthur: I never meant for it to go this far. I swear it, I was just so angry. And I wanted to get back at you but... When he came, he just twisted everything.
Amelia: You all knew. Everybody knew.
Y/n: No, not until today...
* Arthur walked toward Amelia as he said*
Arthur: Don't you see? He's gone now. We can be together again. I can help you. We can do it together, everything together as it should be, hmm?
* Arthur got on one knee before as Compeyson did and said*
Arthur: I'm your brother.
Amelia: I don't have a brother... I want everyone to leave. Get then out!
Arthur: Amelia.
Amelia: Get him away from me!
Arthur: Amelia!
Y/n: Arthur, come on.
Amelia: Get out! Get out, get out!
* Amelia screamed and sobbed as Arthur stood back in fear. I took his hand in mine and forced his focus on me*
Y/n: We have to go, she isn't in the right mind right now.
Arthur: B-But-
Y/n: Come on!

( In Arthur's room )

* Arthur paced the room and drank whiskey as he sobbed. I had him lay down on the bed and put my head to his chest*
Y/n: It'll be okay, we'll work things out. You and I.
Arthur: She said she doesn't have a brother... She hates me, Y/n.
Y/n: No she does not, she just has to process what's happening.
Arthur: I might... I might, um.
* Arthur stared out the window, more specifically the gutter*
Y/n: No! You can't leave me! Arthur, you can't.
Arthur: But Amelia-
Y/n: I won't be able to cope! I will be left with nothing, Arthur! Don't you see? You're all I have!
~ ~ ~
Arthur: I'm so sorry, my love.
Y/n: It's okay, but for now. I never leave your side, we do things together, forever?
Arthur: Forever and always.
* Arthur smiled weakly and kissed my lips. It felt of pure bliss. I didn't know what would happen after this or after that but what I did know, Ks I am staying with Arthur... Forever*

A/n: Thank you so much for reading! Sadly this is the end of the story, I hope you enjoyed! I love you all, I would appreciate it if you checked out my other story's. Thank you again, good bye! ❤️

Arthur Havisham x Y/n * GENDER NEUTRAL*Where stories live. Discover now