aib ships

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quick drabbles (?) on how i imagine AIB ships .. part 1???

Kuina x An

- sunshine and midnight rain but an is the sunshine and kuina is the midnight rain

- love language ; kuina - quality time and physical touch ; an - acts of service and giving gifts

- talks a lot gf (kuina) & listens gf (an)

Arisu x Usagi

- also a sunshine(arisu) and midnight rain(usagi)

- partners in everything

- "teamworks makes the dream works"

- healthy arguements

Niragi x Chishiya

- unhealthy arguements

- both hate everyone

- the calm(chi) and the one w short temper(ni)

- either will kill for each other or will kill each other... no in between

- similar on one side and opposites on one side

- "I will kill for you" . "I will kill you" (guess whos who)

- will burn for you bf (ni) & will burn you bf (chi)

- chaotic bastards

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