Tables Turned. | Niragi

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Niragi Suguru spent his teenage life with being bullied almost everyday. He has to give up his lunch or else he'll be beaten up again.

He basically spent his life bullied and alone. He spent his everydays with verbal abuse from his parents as his breakfast and bullying for the rest of the day.

Now, he grow and changed.

Niragi swore he would never come back to what he was once, weak and vulnerable and always taken advantage of. He has his guard up all the time.

He sat on the bed as he watched the TV and let the Usagi girl escape.

It announced the game, the game inside the Beach.

After a while, a lot of burning and killing, a lot of trials. Niragi has been shooting random people, a dark desire that lies beneath deep his soul.

Niragi stood next to his boss, Aguni.

"Niragi." Aguni called him before he started walking away.

Aguni was the one that gave Niragi the validation he craved. For all the years he has been neglected, invalidated, discriminated, and humiliated, Aguni came and saved him. Aguni was the first one to notice Niragi, Aguni was the one Niragi held on. He was his source of validation, Niragi basically followed everything Aguni say or does.

Now, almost immediately, Niragi turned to him. "Yes, boss?"

He heard his boss let out a loud sigh.  "What happened to that girl?"

"Huh?" He's confuse.

"Usagi. What did you try to do with her?"

Niragi scoffed. "Nothing important."

"Niragi. You always shared to me how you were abused as a child, you always talk about how life abused you. You always talk about how they treated you as not human but a mere toy. You always talk about how those people to treat you like shit." Aguni started.

Niragi don't know where this conversation would lead but he stayed, waiting for him to continue.

"I taught you how to use machine guns, rifle, I taught you all the badass shit because I want you to have you're revenge. I want you to stand up for yourself. I want you to prove them wrong. Those people who treated you like shit should suffer hell in your own hands." Aguni continued. Niragi had a slight smile.

But Niragi didn't expect the next question.

"Why did you do that?"

He was bewildered. He has a hint but couldn't be quite sure. "Do what?" He act fool.

Aguni look into his eyes. "You're not supposed to be the person you hated."

Silence. Even with the fire crackling, screams of players trying to survive and fighting for their lives, it was silence for the both men. Niragi looked down digging in his own thoughts.

"You're the abused. You're not supposed to be an abuser."

Aguni's words stabbed into him. He couldn't be hurt, it was somehow, in some point, his fault. He knew Aguni has a point. He tried to look at his own hands. Niragi didn't knew he was unconsciously turning into the asshole that once destroyed his life.

"I understand the tough guy image is your coping mechanism or some shit. But your trauma doesn't make up for your bullshits."

"Your trauma is never an excuse."

Niragi has a tight grip on his gun. His hands shaking. He watched Aguni's shadow leave. He was shaking because... Aguni's right.

The good news was... Niragi could protect himself now, he will never go back to that weak and vulnerable always taken advantage of , past self.

But the bad news is... Niragi turned into the someone he once hated. He became the person he hated.

That's the worse thing to ever happen.

The abused became an abuser.


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