inexplainable. | Niragi x Chishiya

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It started one time when Chishiya was at the club of the resort.

Niragi is a regular there, he always go there still with his gun and his bitches would wrap around him like snakes. But tonight was... a little different.

First was, Chishiya is here. It was no secret that Chishiya doesn't like crowded places such as clubs, and at this time he's usually curling on his bed alone. But he's here, Chishiya is here.

Second, he's surrounded by guys. Niragi wouldn't give a fuck if it wasn't for the fact that those guys trying to either bully or flirt Chishiya was Niragi's bullies, they're the ones that threw baseball at him.

Niragi shouldn't care. But his blood boils at how the guy laughed and tried being touchy by putting his hands over Chishiya's shoulder. Chishiya was calm as usual, but Niragi could read those eyes. Chishiya was fighting the urge to fight back and waiting for the opportunity as he kept his hands on his hoodie's pockets.

It was probably one of the things about Chishiya that Niragi hated. Niragi hated how Chishiya can be so calm, he hated how the latter was acting so cold. If it were Niragi, he could've already shot those guys.

He slowly walked closer behind those bullies. But Niragi didn't approach them, he stayed at the back and waited.

Soon enough, Chishiya seems to finally have enough. He took out his DIY Taser and made one of the guys knocked out on the floor.

Fucking unpredictable asshole. Niragi thought.

As usual, Chishiya stared at the unconscious guy with a blank face. It was satisfying for Niragi to see those guys' face fell in shock and anger. The guys' face was fuming with anger but Chishiya could look at them with a slight smirk on his face.

"Learn to keep your hands to yourself." Chishiyas words before turning around.

When Chishiya turned around he was greeted by Niragi's intense stare. They maintain eye contact. They were staring at each other as if they can read each other's mind, as if there was an on-going silent conversation between them.

But Niragi quickly pulled the trigger of his gun and approached the guy when he was about to hit Chishiya with his fist.

"Don't you fucking dare." Niragi says harshly as his gun was pointed straight into the guy's head.

Unconsciously, Niragi had his hands holding on Chishiya's arms surprisingly gently.

The guy scoffed. "That gun is not even loaded." Niragi's smile went wider. He shot the ceiling twice threatening everyone in the room. Niragi was satisfied with the horrified look on the guy.

The tables turned.

"One wrong move here I'll fucking blow your head. This is not your territory, Daichi."

Niragi loved the defeated look on Daichi's face. It was satisfying to see the guy crumble into defeat. It was as if fireworks exploded and the gods made him feel what's like to have the best revenge.

He couldn't help the wide stupid smile on his face. He leaned on the guy, whispering on his ears. "Touch anyone but him."

Niragi walked away. He walked out of the room with the gun on his shoulder, this time he didn't want his minions to tail with him.

He climbed to the rooftop alone. Niragi pulled out a pack of cigarettes and light up one. He sat on the edge of the rooftop watching as people gather on the pool, he could see the neon lights and barely hearing their music.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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