Prologue / Chapter 1

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☘︎ Jeon Jeongguk

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☘︎ Jeon Jeongguk.
• 29 years old.
• Mechanic .
• Feelings isn't his thing.
• Have rare pale grey eyes.

☘︎ Jeon Taehyung.
31 years old.
• House husband.
• Love spreading Love.

☘︎ Jeon GyuTae.
• 3 years old.
• Appa's boy and papa's heart.
• Have grey eyes like his appa.

☘︎ Jeon Young-Hae.
• 49 years old.
• Jeongguk's mother.
• Like Taunting Taehyung, the typical mother-in-law.


Taehyung run to the kitchen making less noise as much as possible passing the living room where his mother-in-law was taking a nap after having her tea.

The omega was in a hurry to go grab the bowl of rice out of the microwave before its disturb the older woman's nap.

Young-Hae was a very nice lady but a very typical mother-in-law who love to taunt Taehyung. Taehyung the sweetheart never take her taunt in a bad way, he was so sweet and patient about everything.

He does feel bad most of the time but he smile and just reminds himself its the way she is and she actually likes him. Today he was too happy to be sad, it was an special day !

"Saved! Oof", Taehyung chuckle to himself as he bring out the bowls and look over at the clock.

Almost 7 in the morning and his husband was surely already in the shower. Taehyung curse himself for sleeping late last night, damn that beautiful fan fiction he was reading. He quickly made the breakfast, cutting his finger along the way .

Taehyung smile to himself packing his husband and son's lunch. He made a heart with the seaweed and small heart with the mayo on it. He always like to craft his foods cutely, today Gyu's rice look like a bear.

Jeongguk never told him anything despite the dozen of cute and heart food shapes he get in the Tiffin during these 4 years. Taehyung guess his husband loves it then, the thoughts makes him chuckle shyly.

He wash his bleeding finger and press it onto his apron, he fix his round glasses and curse under his breath again looking toward the clock, 7:15. He sprint upstairs caramel wavy hair bouncing as he makes his way to the brown door written ' Gyu Tae's castle' on it.

He open the door and peep inside, small lamp on because his son hate sleeping in the dark . Little Gyu was already up sitting on his bed and whining holding his small bear singing alarm in hand. Taehyung laugh at the sight of the pouty baby with messy hair.

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