chapter 4

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Thanks Rimi_verse and Nehu for editing this chapter✨👏💖❤🦋🥴

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ᨏᨐᨓ Hola ᨓᨐᨏ

The ride home was quiet, which was something rare since the omega always attempted to have a conversation. Taehyung didn't speak another word during dinner and it hurts more that Jeongguk found it normal and didn't utter a word too.

Once home Taehyung walked inside the house . The lights were off so he assumed his mother-in-law and son were already asleep. He didn't bother himself to wait for Jeongguk and went to take a look at his son.

Gyu was found in his grandma's room soundly sleeping and Taehyung's heart felt at ease looking at the boy. Once he entered the shared room he found Jeongguk sitting on the bed taking off his shoes.

"Is Gyu with eomma? ", Jeongguk asked and Taehyung didn't look at him, he just went to grab his towel and pyjamas.

"Yes, they are sleeping. Are you going to use the bathroom?"The omega asked, taking his glasses off.

"Go ahead , i will check if the house is locked properly ", Jeongguk had this habit of checking if all windows and doors were locked each night before going to sleep.

Taehyung shut the bathroom door and Jeongguk eyed the door intently. He looked thoughtful and he wasn't dumb to see his omega was avoiding his eyes.


When Jeongguk was done taking a bath he found it strange Taehyung wasn't reading his favourite book but rather the room was dark and the omega under the blanket.

Jeongguk's throat itched to ask something but he sighed and put away his towel and got in bed with his husband both far away on opposite sides.

While the bed sank Taehyung stared in the dark. He was hurt and drained, there have been many places where he felt this doubt of love for 4 years but his weak hopeless heart always convinced himself that it's just how Jeongguk was.

The alpha didn't talk much, he was the serious type who probably deep down was just shy and wasn't used to being lovey dovey. Taehyung found it cute when he thinks that's just how his husband was.

Taehyung grew up without his parents. His father was never in the picture and his mother died too. At an early age he was forced to stay with his uncle, an alcoholic man with an asshole of a son. Taehyung had a miserable life while growing up....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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