chapter 3

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ᨏᨐᨓ Holaa ᨓᨐᨏ

"Eomma!! Jeonggukie is taking me out!!! He said get ready by 7!! ", Taehyung was squealing the moment GyuTae ran to his room to grab his favourite  pyjamas.

" Oh? Ahh now i have to keep all dinner back in the fridge! ", she tsk despite she didn't cook anything.

Taehyung giggles literally dancing on his toes as he comes closer to his mother-in-law and give her a hard kiss on her cheek making her whine and smack him on the back.

" Yuck you dirty omega! ", she seem unhappy about it despite her cheeks glowing red.

" I know you likes it! Also Ggukie remembers our anniversary!! He remembers our special day! ", Taehyung's eyes were so dreamy and Young-Hae's eyes soften.

" Yeah, yeah go prepared your bird's house and make yourself look good for my son", She points at his hair.

"Eomma! ", he whine but end up chuckling and running upstairs.

" Ah Jeongguk-ah , when will you change? ", Hae looking at the photo frame of his late husband and a smiling 16 years old Jeongguk . They were standing infront a car in it, she sigh and went back in the kitchen


Taehyung fed GyuTae and bath him  after taking care of him properly Young-Hae told him to go and get ready she would look after her grandson.

It was already 6 in the evening and he literally ran into the bathroom then ran to dry his hair and curl them slightly then he ran to do a little bit make up then he had a shy episode thinking about the upcoming evening then he ran to find a proper outfit.

Going through his wardrobe he pick out  Jeongguk's favourite colours. A black dungarees with wide legs  , a purple long sleeves shirt and small touch of his a black beret . Of course he doesn't forget his favourite sandals because shoes weren't really his friends.

The omega kiss his son babye and wave at him and his mother-in-law before going out and waiting for him. Jeongguk didn't mentioned to prepare his outfit so he will just come to pick him up.

Taehyung didn't go on many dates, he like to dress up feeling comfy, dressing too much makes him feel dumb . He might have go on a date alone with Jeongguk maybe only 4 times, before marriage and after marriage in total.

His smile drops thinking about it, was it normal? The fact that today he was overjoyed was because it was the first time Jeongguk mentioned something like a date to him. Maybe he finally realized that he should pay more attention to his omega. Yeah thats the reason, Jeongguk loves him he was just less expressive about it.

Taehyung was startled when the car stopped infront him. He smile noticing his alpha was staring at him waiting for him to get inside. He quickly open the door and sat inside.

"Oh Hi! You are sharp on time Gguk", he chuckles.

"I am late by 20 minutes", Taehyung look at him as the man start the car.

" Its okay, you are here ", he smile noticing Jeongguk's hair was still wet and the vanilla soap  scent he loves  on his mate was invading his nose.

" Where are we going? ", he look over at Jeongguk's hand loving the shining golden wedding ring  and he was more excited but he try to seem calm.

" Yoongi hyung's  brother's birthday ", Jeongguk simply said.

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