chapter 2

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ᨏᨐᨓ Hola ᨓᨐᨏ

"Do cook the meat this time, i am not Vegetarian", Young-Hae says in a whiny tone of scolding as she marinate the kimchi.

" I will cook us steak tonight Gyu have been asking for it too, I just I have to get some fresh baked bread and we are good! ", Taehyung chuckles excitement in his tone thinking about the taste as he  cut the cabbage.

" huhhhh? ", Hae raise an eyebrow and stop to look at Taehyung who blink confuse.

" We? What do you mean? Aren't you kids going out? ", Taehyung look a little taken aback then look away  remembering why he was sad earlier.

" No, Gguk said he will be late with Yoongi hyung, I mean it's okay . Hyung probably needs him", he smile which was very fake as he add the cabbage to the marination and walk to the sink.

"You are really the most idiotic one in this house", she sigh loudly and continue what she was doing while Taehyung too use to her insults continued what he was doing.


During weekdays around 2 in the afternoon Jeongguk always go to pick Gyutae from the daycare and drops him home. Sometimes he stay a little longer to drink his coffee at home or just bring it along him back to work.

But today Jeongguk couldn't so Taehyung went to pick his son up. The omega look all fluffy, his fluffy curly hairs, round glasses sitting on his nose, green cardigan and lose pant.

Taehyung was a pure angel to look at, he always have this sweet gentle smile dancing on his lips which make him very approachable.

Once last glance in the mirror looking at the sunflower earrings Jeongguk gifted him on his birthday 4 years ago before their wedding he happily walk out saying goodbye to his mother-in-law.

He makes sure the coffee cup in his tote bag was alright half way to the daycare. Jeongguk's work place wasn't that far away, around 35 minutes away from their house. So he decided to drop by along Gyu before coming home.

To be honest Taehyung already misses his mate, the beautiful omega was a complete hopeless romantic one . Despite the lack of attention from his husband he can't stop loving him more.

When his best friend ask him why he even love Jeongguk his answer is always ' Because its Jeongguk, my mate'. Calling Jeongguk his make him all shy and proud.

Taehyung always had bad luck when it comes to his partners before. People wouldn't  acknowledge his presence back in college, its probably because he almost never cut his hair and hiding behind books.

Despite that even when one or two alpha or beta took interest in him they would easily leave when Taehyung wouldn't even kiss or hold hands. One even called him weird for just talking about how 'Sharks can be friendly' during a date at the beach.

Getting over the marriage age and meeting Jeongguk -the definition of a handsome, tall and sweet man- Taehyung couldn't believe it. So imagine how Taehyung felt when he married the man 2 years younger than him. He literally married his dream man- ok maybe the alpha is kinda cold, reserve, lack of interest in him, doesn't express much!!!

But!! But! But!! He was sweet, he took care of Taehyung when he was sick, take him out on sunday -fine its a family dinner every sunday with Hae and Gyu- Jeongguk doesn't raise his voice at him, Jeongguk respect his space- maybe a little too much - he doesn't force Taehyung to do anything.

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