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Y/N was raised in the life of hunting when her mum died when she was young and her older brother had left. One day she and her dad had a run in with a werewolf but they were saved by a hunters called Bobby and Rufus. Unable to forget what they had seen her dad started looking into the supernatural and eventually became hunter.
Living in motels became Y/N's new normal never really staying in one state too long. Having to attend new schools or home schooling.
Until one day her dad went on a hunt and never returned.

Bobby took Y/N in and raised her as his own giving her somewhat of semi stable life. He tried to keep her away from hunting but she couldn't resist just like her father couldn't. Bobby started training her to become the best hunter she could be.

It wasn't long before she crossed paths again with the Winchesters having occasionally met in passing. Despite claiming not needing any help on hunts she soon became happy to have other people she could rely on. After John's death her, Dean and Sam became inseparable. Then Castiel joined the dysfunctional family they were. They however lost plenty of loved ones along the way.

Dean and Y/N had a casual hook up agreement despite both of them breaking the rules and catching feelings for each other. However both were too stubborn to admit this as they knew their love could be used against them as it had been on several occasions.

After having experienced both brothers literally go to hell back Y/N is not giving up hope on the latest set back of Dean and Castiel disappearing. Sam seems to have given up hope and has given up hunting for a normal life.

However is Y/N's life about to change when she meets her older brother again for the first time in 18 years due to an unfortunate circumstance.

Y/N is not one to trust new people, and decides it's best to hide what she does for a living from her brother and his friends. But how long can one live a life of lies?

Will Y/N find a new family and true love?
What happens when old faces reappear?
Can she live the best of both worlds?

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