Dream hunt-Uniltaron

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"Hey,Ava, a quick word." Jake placed a hand on my shoulder. He had just been talking to Neytiri outside the tent. No doubt about the situation from earlier.

I had shied from involving myself in the family conflicts, instead focusing on assisting kiri with patching up Neteyem. His back, much to my relief, looked worse than it was, and would heal within the next few days.

"Yeah, sure." I followed the leader of the clan out of the tent, feeling eyes burn into me from behind. I cast a small look in his direction, I'll telly you later, I mouthed.

Neteyem nodded, refocusing back on the pot he was stirring.

We exited, and made a line for the community clearing. A space where the tents had been moved from, and now logs and a fire pit stood. It was empty however, and instead, was painted with Na'vi runes and symbols.

I squinted at them, trying to read what they said.

"Don't bother, not even I can read them. They mean some ancient words, and grant protection and luck during Uniltaron." Jake plopped himself down, very ungracefully, onto a log to the side.

I resisted the urge to laugh, watching him stretch in a cat-like way.

"Hey, dont laugh at me kid, or you'll find a rat tail in your soup at dinner." My face fell. He was being serious.

"Kidding." He chuckled to himself, immature in all his glory. "Come, sit." He gestured to the log in front of him, and I complied.

"So, how are you adjusting?"

I smiled, "It's been a lot easier than I expected actually. I knew the language so it's a lot easier I think."

Jake peered at me with complete sincerity. "You've had what, 2 days? I struggled within months, and still am in some ways. Knowing the language is great, but I asked, how are you adjusting?" He changed the tone of conversation, the air falling heavy.

"If you want to say something to me, away from the others, ex-human to ex-human, go ahead. I'll understand if you don't want to go ahead with Uniltaron. It binds you here for life. You may want to do something else, or be someone else." He looked me in the eyes.

"I know the struggles of adjusting to life here. You may not be feeling it now, but later down the road, you will miss earth. Deep down, but it will still follow you." Jake grabbed a twig, drawing something in the dried dirt.

"I think I'm doing well all things considered. I was always good at adapting. I was forced to be. So I have settled in here quite well already, I think."

Jake sighed, gesturing the runes.

"Tonight, the Tsahik will use an arachnoid to bite you, and then you must swallow a glow worm. What comes next is the most uncomfortable bit." He leant back, observing his work. My eyes fell on his art, spotting what appeared to be tree roots and vines.

"Your brain will feel seperated from your body, and you will see everything. The visions come differently to us Skypeople, even if we are Na'vi by genetics. It will be disorientating, and feel like the floor is eating you up. However what you see, and what your body urges you to do, it must happen." He looked up. "My heart stopped only once during this ritual. I don't want yours to stop at all."

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞᯾𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞||𝐀𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐫Where stories live. Discover now