Raid of the Supply train

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Cali swerved alongside Neteyems ikran, her purple skin reflecting the blazing sun. I grinned over at the boy beside me, a bow strapped over my back and a dagger by my thigh.

It was my first mission against the humans, and I felt like I needed something to prove.

"Are you not upset? You were from the sky, weren't you?" Lo'ak questioned boldly. He strapped a saddle onto his ikran, and then finished painting colourful lines on his face. Warrior paint, I assumed.

"Not at all. These humans I do not know, and they seem evil to me. I'm not even from the same era as them." I shrugged, Cali shrieking for food as I reached back into my pouch. "As far as i know, these humans deserve what's coming to them."

The pack of the war tribe dipped into the narrow opening between the two mountains ahead. I swerved, feeling the wind press against my cheeks and my braid whip in the air behind me.

"To the left." I heard Jake speak over the earpiece.

I spotted him glide down, towards where a train track was rattling. Beyond the tree-line, a growing roar was approaching.

Cali descended down, stopping alongside Lo'ak and Neteyem as the rest of the tribe swooped toward the train. A rocket was released from one of the riders, meeting the metal of the vehicle with a loud boom.

The front carriage flipped, the track buckling and sending the whole thing flying to the side.

Cries of victory met our ears, and the ikran all began to land. Seconds later, a line of direhorse warriors emerged from the forest, armed with weapons and charging towards the ruined remains.

I stayed in the air, circling the area and keeping a watch out. The Na'vi had broken into a carriage, busting open a crate full of weapons and beginning to distribute them through the warriors.

"Come on bro, let's go down."

Lo'ak flew beside Neteyem, eyeing the weapons eagerly.

"No bro, dad will skin us." Neteyem glared. His gaze landed on the man standing on the rubble, dreaded hair tied into a ponytail and gun loaded in his arms.

Lo'ak smirked, "don't be a chicken." He dived down, Neteyem hissing in annoyance.

"Don't follow, we need to be lookout." I reminded him.

He sent me an apologetic look, "I have to be responsible for him, you keep an eye out from above." And then he dived after his brother.

I felt Cali twitch beneath me. I turned in my saddle, staring ahead at my mountain in the distance. A quiet droning seemed to be sourced from it, and I reached for the bow on my back.

I took a quick look below, spotting Neteyem and Lo'ak being handed guns. I looked back up. A grey, gunned out helicopter appeared from behind the mountain. My eyes widened.

"Helicopters approaching." I called out into my earpiece.

I heard a muffled reply, before ducking into Calis neck and shooting toward the danger. I carefully loaded my bow, feeling my ikran swerve from bullets.

I let out a cry, twisting in the air and sitting up right. I aimed straight for the pilot, letting my arrow loose and feeling it snap through the air.

It struck true, and I grabbed ahold of Cali to dodge the falling chopper.

A blue ikran soared above, and just as the helicopter cleared my view, I came face to face with another.

Cali barrelled down, avoiding the bullets by an inch. A familiar yell of anger, followed by the crash of the second chopper greeted my ears. I pulled up, taking flight next to Neytiri.

"Thank you." I breathed out, the smoke clearing from the train below.

The woman offered me a head nod, and then stopped.

"Neteyem!" She cried, her body moving before her ikran. Cali didn't even need instructing.

My eyes landed on Jake, who was atop his banshee with a furious expression. I spotted his son, clinging on to the front with an ashy, cut up body.

I gasped, my ears falling.

"Is he alright!?" I flew up beside him. Scooting up in the saddle as Jake helped move Neteyem over. He swayed in the seat, mumbling about something incoherent.

"He disobeyed orders, but his brother holds more blame. Take him up to main camp, I need to round up the last of the tribe."

I gave him a curt nod, taking off alongside Neytiri, and a newly appeared Lo'ak. The boy in question looked upset, and his brows pulled in guilt.

"Hey, he'll be okay." I told him, keeping a steady hand on Neteyem as he flinched against the wind.

"Dads gonna kill me." He groaned. I sighed, increasing Calis pace to get back quicker.

We landed in base camp in minutes, and I had to help Neteyem slide from Calis saddle.

The boy staggered to his feet, Lo'ak and his mother landing seconds later.

Jake appeared from a tent, somehow here already.

"Ava, go and help with the wounded, and you too Kiri." The girl had just appeared, and taken a serious look toward Neteyems body.

I opened my mouth, but Kiri cut me off. "My brother is wounded."

I allowed her to take Neteyem from my grip, and ducked away from the family drama unfolding. I didn't want any issues with people who I had only been shown kindness by.

I went over to Cali, stroking her face and patting her back.

"I'll be back later, I need to help here."

I took my bow from behind my back, and carried it toward my tent. After a quick stop to drop off the weapons, I followed an injured Neteyem and frustrated looking Neytiri toward their camp.

"Hey, what can I do to help?" I asked,  keeping pace with them and looking over at Kiri. She seemed to be the one with the medical knowlege.

"Yana bark. It stings less." She told me, nodding her head over to the supply area.

I nodded, hurrying over to it with the images of Neteyems cut up back flitting through my mind.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞᯾𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞||𝐀𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐫Where stories live. Discover now