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I suppose I should have thought of the consequences that came with shoving Neteyem into the water. However, I did not. So now I had to face the issue I had created, albeit very unknowingly, and sort out the ridiculous tension that had hung between us for the last few days

Even Tuk had begun to notice, and the occasional times we were on dinner duty together, an awkward, unspoken silence hung between us in the air.

I dismounted my Ilu, having quickly mastered riding him- much to Calis annoyance- and waded up to Kiri. She was lying face down in the water, with a vacant expression, observing the sand.

I smiled, sitting myself down in the warm, shallow waters.

She looked up, and greeted me when she saw who I was. She crossed her legs, and gave me a knowing look.

"I know why you're here."

I looked away, her stare so invasive that I felt completely seen through.

"Maybe. But I need to sort it out." I sighed. "It's gotten weird, and I think everyone has noticed it now."

Kiri nodded, "Yep, even dad has seen. He's tried to speak to Neteyem but he's shut off. It's odd, really. It's like he has no clue how to approach you anymore."

The sand fell between my fingers as I played with it. I saw a pretty shell, and cursed to myself as I thought of how Neteyem would appreciate it.

"Well, I don't think I make it easier." I looked up. "Kiri, what do l do? We've known each other what, a few weeks? It's too early, right?"

The girl shook her head, her eyes sparkling. "I don't know about Skypeople, but I think it's perfectly normal. Mum and dad met and mated within 3 months, but many in our tribe only take a week." She spoke with a wispy tone, and her words became soft. "Once you know, you know. Eywa has granted us all someone special, so when we find them, it is only right we honour her."

I admired the speech, and thought back on my own situation.

"So what do I do? I really like him Kiri, like. Really."

"Talk to him." She lay on her back, indicating how she wanted to get back to staring at the sand. "Communicate and tell him, he most likely feels the same way. But once you've spoken, it's not awkward anymore."

And she turned, her face burying back under the water and her ears submerged.

I thanked her, and stood.

Only, as I took a few steps forward, the voice of Tonowaris eldest met my ears.

"What is she doing?" He taunted, followed by his lackeys.

I swivelled on my heel, and made my way back towards Kiri. She had looked up from her sand watching, and looked embarrassed.

"She's a freak." One of the boys echoed, beginning to circle her.

"What do you want?" Kiri ordered, her stance solid.

"Why are you so...freakish?"

Ao'nung laughed, grabbing at her tail.

I shot forward, being beaten by a second by a raging Lo'ak.

"Don't touch her." He hissed, shoving one of the boys.

"Oooh, another one. Go back and climb some trees." One of them leered, making a grab at Lo'ak. I slapped his hand away,

"Fucking watch it fish face."

I placed a hand on Kiris side, lightly pushing her away as Lo'ak backed up behind me.

We were trapped in a circle of them, and no way I'd go down without a fight.

Luckily, I didn't think we'd have to.

As Ao'nung took a step forward, Neteyem ran over.

"Hey, stop it." He shoved both boys apart.

"Ooh big brother-"

Neteyem hissed, silencing them. Tonowaris son held up a hand to stop his group. Lo'ak was pulled back, and Kiri and I followed.

"Leave us alone." She stuck her tongue out, and we turned to leave.

"They're all a bunch of freaks..."

I knew that whoever had just said that, was not going to leave without a bruised face.

I stepped forward, but felt a hand wrap around my waist and pull me back. My heart sped, but my focus was still on the unmarried skin of the gang.

I struggled in the grip, Lo'ak sauntering over.

"Lo'ak.." neteyem warned.

"Don't worry bro, I got this."

He stopped in front of Ao'nung, beginning to describe the way his extra fingers came in handy. He balled his fist up, and any fool could see what was happening. However, the chiefs son, as thick as he was, was too distracted the notice.

It was too late to stop it, and Lo'ak clocked him hard.

Neteyem let go, and I took it as my opportunity to involve myself. Lo'ak was jumped by the whole group, who didn't expect the forest girl to attack from behind.

I snatched at a tail, yanking it my way and kicking the knees from under him. I put him in a choke hold, ducking as a tail whipped past my head.

The boy I was strangling hissed, and twisted free. He landed a clean hit to my side, and I cried out in anger.

I heard Neteyem hiss from the side, and he joined the fight.

Punches were flying, and I send my fair share of kicks and slaps. I even managed to grab at some hair, and smash some faces into the sand.

"Don'" I growled, each pause representative of a punch to the face.

The boys gradually backed off, and I wiped away some blood trickling from my nose.

Kiri appeared by my side, and I gave a satisfied huff looking upon the escapers injuries. They definitely were beaten.

I shook out my fists, and scowled.

"What dicks. Acting all high and fucking mighty. Tryna catch hands but can't fucking swing for the life of them." I spat to the sand, and looked up.

3 sets of eyes blinked at me in confusion.

I realised that entire sentence I had just spoke was in my old, British accent. Most likely words not even used in current day earth.

I smiled sheepishly, locking eye contact with Neteyem. He observes my injuries, and I spotted something dark in his eyes. Similarly, I noticed his bruised eye and scratched up back.

The air turned icy.

"Kids!?" A voice called out.

My ears fell. We all shared a look of terror, and paled.

"We're so dead."

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞᯾𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞||𝐀𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐫Where stories live. Discover now