Chapter 1

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 „So we're going to let them know?", the voice on the other side of the call asked. „Yeah, we probably should. Otherwise it comes out of nowhere." Karl answered. „Alright, i'll go tweet about it." Sapnap said. „Oh, wait, one thing..." he began „I'm really happy we'll finally meet up Karl". Karl blushed. „ too. See you!" he quickly said and was happy, Sapnap couldn't see his red cheeks, before hanging up.

After months of joking and dreaming, him and Sapnap were going to meet up in real life. Karl had never meet someone of his online friends before, and espacially not someone he adored so much, so it was going to be even more exiting.Karl and Sapnap always had a bit of a weird relationship. Everybody, including them, thought, they were only friends, but over the past few months, Karl had started to catch feelings. He wasn't sure about his emotions yet, nor he knew if Sapnap felt the same. So he would just try to ignore it.

As he was lost in his daydreams about the meetup, Karl heard a slight ‚ping' coming from his phone. He saw a notification from Twitter and unlocked his phone.

It was a Sapnap tweet.

Special announcment guys! Karlnap is finally going to meet up soon. Going to be at Karl's for about one and a half week. I'll go there in five days! Very exited :D"

Karl grinned and quickly typed in a response: Many cool Streams are planned, make sure to come around ;)". Then he turned his phone off again and decided to go to bed.

In the next morning, he was woken up by the ringing of his phone. It was Dream. He let out a yawn, before picking up. „Hello?" he answered. „Karl! I'm live. Do you want to join in? George, Sap and Bad are also here and we're missing you." Dream said. „Ugh, I just woke up..." Karl respondet. „Pretty please from Sap" Dream said laughing slightly. „Okay I'll be in the vc in three minutes." he said and with no other words he hung up.

Like he had promised, three minutes later Karl's discord icon popped up in the voicecall with George, Dream, Sapnap and BadBoyHalo in it. „Ah he has finally arrived!" George welcomed him. „Morning" Karl responded and was interrupted by Sapnap. „Oh my gosh his morning voice is so cute!". „What?" Karl asked flatterned. „Uh nothing..." He quickly said „So what are you guys up to accept for streaming?" He asked after a short break. He heard Dream laugh and George said „Dream is doing Mcc training and I am currently editing Dream's video because he said that we would be quit then. Oh yeah and the others are only here for mental support.".

„Alright, Dream what are you training I want to join in." Karl asked. „Uhm I'll send you the IP so you can join." Dream answered. „Okay thanks man."

After two hours of training, chatting and cheerleading for George who finished the video after a lot of problems, Karl said goodbye to everyone. Just before he could leave call, Sapnap asked: „Hey Karl could we go in private vc for a minute?". „Okay sure." he responded and moved into a seperate channel. Seconds later, Sapnap joined. „So what's up?" Karl asked. Sapnap cleared his throat. „There are bad news and good news. Bad one first. So, last night I recceived a message from the plane thing you know thoose who organise everything at an airport. They wrote, that there would be a storm warning for friday, so the flight is cancelled.". Karl was silent. Was this it? Would their meetup just not take place? „And...the good news?" he stuttered. „The good news are, that I've gotten another ticket. The only problem is, that this ticket is for a flight tomorrow." Sapnap said. „Would that also be okay?" he added. „It would be even better so I don't have to wait theese long days till friday." Karl answered.

Later that Day when Karl was about to warm up some food from yesterday, he got a phone call again. But this time it was Quackity. Karl picked up and said: „Hello?". „KARL! Hello big man!" Quackity shouted as a response. „I heard you and Sapnap are going to meet up this week?" he continued. Karl was a bit confused. „Yeah we are. Why are you asking?". „I just wondered if it was fake or know always those roumours." Quackity answered. „We tweeted about it you moron." Karl said. „Okay okay that was all bye now!" came from Quackity and he hung up. Karl looked at the green dot behind Quackitys name turning into a light gray. Why was he being so weird? „Hm...probably nothing." he said to himself.

As he was thinking about Quackitys strange behaveure, he remembered that he still had so much work to do, before Sapnap could come to his house. He did't want to welcome his best friend in a total mess. So he wiped away the thougths about Quackity and began cleaning. 

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