Chapter 9

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 „It feels so good to finally be back." Sapnap said, after closing the front door of Karl's house. „It feels good to have you back." Karl responded and looked into Sapnaps eyes.

Sapnap just smiled back at him as a response.

„Should we maybe cook something?" Karl asked, after a short, yet comfortable silence. „Sounds good. But what shall we cook?" Sapnap replied. Karl raised his eyebrows. „Anything the fridge offers." he said and walked past Sapnap towards the kitchen to have a look inside the fridge.

Sapnap walked over to him. „What do we got?" he asked tilting his head towards the fridge. „Well, we could make some steak." Karl said, after taking two pieces of meat out. „Yeah, but we probably should do something else as well. I am starving and one steak is not enough." Sapnap said, looking back inside of the fridge.

He spotted something, that made his eyes widen. He reached into the fridge and pulled out three packages of mozzarella. „I have an idea." he said, holding the mozzarella in the air, like it was holy. „We prove George that we are the better cooks and make mozzarella sticks. And we should stream it!" he finished the sentence.

Now, Karl's eyes widened as well. „Ohh I'm so down for mozzarella sticks!" he said excitedly. „But, are you sure you are ready to stream yet? I mean we just got back from the hospital." Karl asked concerned. Sapnap reached for his hands and held them in his.

„I am as ready as I'll ever be. Don't worry, I'm fine." he said, stoking his thumb across Karl's palm. Karl smiled at him. „If you say so."


„Are we live yet?" Karl asked looking into the camera, they had set up in Karl's kitchen. „We should be...Chat can you hear us?" Sapnap said, typing some things into his laptop. „They're all saying yes. Okay, great!" Karl said. „Welcome welcome everybody! We have something fun planned." he announced to the camera. „So as you can see, we are in my kitchen, which means, obviously, we are going to cook something. And not just anything..." he teased. „Tell them Sapnap!" Karl commanded Sapnap, who was still behind the camera. Karl waved him over, so that he was in frame. „What are we making today?" Karl repeated. „We are making mozarella sticks baby!" Sapnap shouted.

Karl knew, the pet name wasn't particulary for him, but hearing Sapnap say it, still had some weird affect on him.

„Hellooo? Earth to Karl?". Sapnap poked Karl's side, which brought Karl back to the real life. „Hmm?". Sapnap chuckled softly you zoned out." he said. „What? Oh yeah well...I was just fantasizing about the delicious meat." he quickly made up, but realized too late what he just said. Sapnap started laughing loudly. „You were doing fucking what?" he said inbetween laughs. „No no no no not that you nimrod! I meant the steak we are going to make!" Karl said quickly, also laughing a bit.

The stream went on smoothly for the next hour or so. Every now and then, either Karl or Sapnap thanked for subscribers or donations, but nothing special. Until Sapnap suddenly wanted Karl to mute the stream.

„What's up?" Karl asked. Sapnap moved out of frame, and made sure they were unseen. „What were you actually thinking about earlier?" Sapnap asked, raising an eyebrow. Karl blushed. He had been caught. „Wh-what do you mean?" he stuttered. Sapnap chuckled. „You know what I mean. And everybody knows, you weren't thinking about steak." he said, poking Karl's chest.

Karl laughed it off. „Ohhh no nothing...Maybe I'll tell you later. But only if you behave." he winked at Sapnap. He was about to walk back to the kitchen, when Sapnap stopped him.

„One more thing." he said and pulled Karl closer. He took Karl's cheeks in his palm and pulled him down into a kiss. It only lasted a couple of seconds, but still, Karl's stomach was filled with butterflies. „I've been wanting to do that since we arrived." he said and went back into the kitchen.

Karl tried to calm himself down, before returning to the stream, but it didn't quite work. His cheeks were still tinted red. Chat would notice, for sure, but he didn't really care. Later, he would scroll through twitter, only seeing clips of him and Sapnap, but he didn't care. You cannot stop the shippers.


„Okay guys, turns out, we ARE better than George, who would've thought?" Sapnap said with a big grin. „That's it for the stream today, thank you guys for watching and we'll see you..." Sapnap turned around to face Karl. „When's our next stream?" he asked. Karl raised his shoulders. „I don't know. Whenever we want?" he answered.

„Alright, your heard him. Whenever we want! See you then." Sapnap said and turned off the stream. He walked over to where Karl was standing and leaned onto the counter.

„Is everything alright?" Sapnap asked. Karl sighed and sat down on the counter across from Sapnap. „Yeah kind of just suprised me, that's all." he said.

„Oh..." Sapnap said. „Did I do anything wrong? If it's because of the kiss I can-" „No hey calm down." Karl said in a low voice. „It's fine, really, I just need some time to process it all." he continued.

„Process what?" Sapnap asked carefully. Karl sighed again. „I...I'm not really sure myself. It's just...first you just want to be friends, then apparently something more and then you pass out for two fucking weeks." Karl spat out. He immediately regretted it.

„Sorry I didn't mean-" „No, no I deserve it." Sapnap said. „I was an asshole, I'm sorry. But I guess I needed some time to figure everything out myself as well." he added. Karl looked up and their eyes met each other.

„You don't need to be sorry for not knowing everything about you." Karl said, placing a hand on Sapnap's shoulder. Karl chuckled softly. „I feel like we say sorry to much." he said. Sapnap smiled up at him and nodded.

„But If you need time exploring your sexuality, I'm here for you and I support you." Karl said. He moved his hand down Sapnap's arm and tangled their fingers together.

„Karl it's not my sexuality. I don't give a fuck about my sexuality. I love who I love." Sapnap said, squeezing Karl's hand. „It's you. I've never felt this before, for anyone. Not even my past partners. I still don't really know what these feelings are, but I know that I need you. And I will never stop needing you. You were there for me when nobody was. You were there for me, even when you were busy. You were there for me, when you couldn't be there for yourself." Sapnap paused, catching his breath. Karl was staring at him, with wide open eyes.

„I want to give that back to you. Or at least I will try to give you my best part. Because you deserve nothing but the best Karl Jacobs." Sapnap said. He felt tears form in his eyes.

Karl breathed out shakingly. He got up from the counter top and stepped closer to Sapnap. He held out his arms, inviting Sapnap for a hug. Sapnap took the invitation. He slung his arms around Karl's waist and buried his face in Karl's hoodie.Karl softly ran his hands through Sapnap's hair. It calmed both of them down a bit.

Sapnap wasn't sure how long they stood there in eachothers arms, but he had no plans of letting go very soon. But apparently Karl did. He slowly let go of Sapnap, but left his hands on Sapnap's shoulders. „Are you good?" he whispered. Sapnap nodded, burying his face in Karl's hoodie once again.

„Karl?" Sapnap asked. Karl hummed in response. „Do you remember the night you asked me something but Dream interrupted us?" Sapnap asked. Karl nodded. „Yes I do." he said. „Well, my answer is yes." Sapnap said.

Karl let go of the jug once again. „What?" he asked. Sapnap smiled. „You heard me right. I want to make it official." he said. Karl's eyes widened. „Y-You do?" he asked in disbelief. Sapnap nodded, a huge smile growing on his face.

Sapnap grabbed Karl's arms and pulled him in for another hug. Karl wrapped his arms around Sapnap real tight, so he could barely breathe.

„Karl I-I can't-breathe" Sapnap brought out. Karl laughed and let go of him. He looked Sapnap deeply into his eyes. „I like you really, really much" he said. „I like you more." Sapnap said smirking. Karl just chuckled.

„Oh fuck I should probably call Dream." Sapnap said. „He's tried to reach me for like, the past 20 minutes.". „Yeah sure go ahead and run off." Karl said jokingly. „Tell him you were to busy being a little bitch." he laughed.

Sapnap laughed as well. „How about I tell him my boyfriend has been keeping me busy." he said teasingly and headed towards the stairs. Karl watched him disapeer with a big smile on his face.

His boyfriend

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