Chapter 2

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The day passed quickly. When it finally was the day of Sapnap's arrival, Karl drove to the airport. His Hands were sweating of exitement. He already saw the planes flying up in the sky. Now there were only some meters between him and Sapnap. Karl drove around the last corner and parked his car in front of the big building. He took a quick look at his watch. 10:27. Sapnap should be here in three minutes. Karl had described him, where he was going to wait for him, so they didn't have to search each other for hours. Five minutes later, a big group of people came from the airport. He scanned the crowd for the black cap, that Sapnap would never take off. Then he saw him and their eyes meet. The time was frozen. So long had they awaited this moment, that it almost didn't feel real. „Karl!" Sapnap shouted and walked straight towards him. „Sapnap!" Karl shouted back and also walked towards him. It was like in one of those romance movies, where the couple could finally meet again and they ran towards eachother to give the other a kiss.

But here were no movies, kisses and couples. This was real. Karl opened his arms, preparing for a hug. Sapnap let go off his bag and did the same. When they fell in

each others arms, Karls stomach exploded into butterflies. It felt so good to feel Sapnap's touch. Just the fact that he was there was perfect. But then Karl quickly let go before it would get weird.„So good to see you man." Sapnap began the conversation. „I... I'm so happy you're here!" Karl answered. „Let's put your stuff in the car and you'll tell me about the flight on the way home." he suggested. „Accepted!" Sapnap answered. „Just follow me to my car, it's right over there" Karl said and Sapnap nodded. As he walked to his bag to take it to Karl's car, Karl looked at him closely. He looked so lovely and peaceful in real life.

„And there we are." Karl said, parking the car in front of his house. „Just like I imagined it." Sapnap said. „You imagined how my house would look like?" Karl asked laughing. „Of course.", Sapnap answered „I'm going to stay here for two weeks.". That made sense, Karl thought. „Okay lets get your stuff inside." he said. After they moved Sapnap 's bag, they both sat down on the couch in the living room. „Do you have anything planned yet for the two weeks?" Sapnap asked. „Well,", Karl began, „I've got this flyer Jimmy gave to me with some attractions nearby. We would do some of those." He handed over the piece of paper. Nick took it and went over the pages. „We could do paragliding in two days. Then we could do a stream tomorrow." he suggested and Karl simply nodded. „Sounds good. What do you think of a nice dinner somewhere? 'cause I dont really have much food here.". „Alright." Sapnap said. „What time is it?" he asked. „Uhh I don't know, I don't have my phone here." Karl stood up to get his phone, but Sapnap interrupted him. „It's fine, I'll just look." He took out his phone and turned it on. Karl saw of a glimpse of his eye Sapnap's wallpaper. He smiled. „Uhm it's 5:15..." he looked up and realised Karl's smile „What?" he asked. „Your wallpaper." he said giggling. „Oh right I...I forgot about that." Sapnap let Karl take a look. It was a close up picture of Karl, where he pulled a silly face into the camera. „You're never allowed to change that ever again" he commanded in a played tone of siriusness. „Understood, King Karl!" Sapnap said and laughed. After they laughed a bit together, Karl finally caught his breath and asked „So do we want to go to a dinner now?" he asked. „Sure, I can unpack my things later." Sapnap said and stood up from the couch.

They arrived at the restaurant as the sun was slowly setting. Inside the restaurants were many candles and it looked very nice. At the entry, a man awaited them. „Have you booked a table?" the man asked. Karl and Sapnap looked at each other and then both shook their heads. „Alright, follow me inside please." the man continued. He lead them inside the restaurant and pointed at a table with two seats at the window. „You can have that one." He said and left. „Thank you!" Karl said. „After you" he then said an walked behind Sapnap to the table. As soon as they sat down, a waitress appered out of nowhere. „What do you want to drink?" she asked. „What about a wine?" Sapnap asked Karl. He nodded. „Alright, one wine, two glasses then" the waitress said and went back to the counter. „Is everybody here in such a hurry?" Sapnap asked confused. Karl laughed „I don't think so, or I just don't realise, because I've never lived anywhere else." „Never?" „Never.". „I've lived in so many places I can't even count." Sapnap said. „Try!" Karl motivated him. „Alright, so,as you might know, I was born on a greek island.

We didn't live long there, just about half a year. Then we moved to South Greek. When I was ten years old, my father got a job in LA so we moved there, but then he was fired two

years later. Uhm...right, then we moved to Canada for a year and then we moved to where I live right now." . „Wow...Someday we need to go to a trip to Greek so you can show me your home." Karl said. „Sure!".

The waitress came again and she brought the wine they ordered. „Thank you" Sapnap said. Karl took a sip. Sapnap looked at him. Karl raised his eyebrows. Then Sapnap smiled. „I still can't believe. That I can actually se you in real life... and touch you!" He said and patted Karl on the head. Karl grinned. „Yeah, me too." he said and boxed Sapnap's shoulder. They both laughed. Then the waitress made another apperance and left two pieces of paper with the food options on their table.

Almost an hour after they ordered, their food finally came. But Karl was okay with that, because he's had more time to listen to the stories Sapnap told him. The waitress served them three plates of delicious looking food. They ordered a bit of everything so they could share it and try different stuff. „This looks so good." Karl said amazed. „Haha your mom said that too last night, okay sorry i had to." Sapnap said laughing. „Screw you dude." Karl said, but couldn't keep a small laugh in. „Oh wait before you touch anything, I need to share this.". Karl got his phone out and took a picture of Sapnap pretending to bite into one of the chicken wings. He opened Twitter and posted the picture with the caption

delicious stuff! The food is also good :D

Karl giggled as he tweeted it. „Go on, you can eat your chicken wing now, you earned it!" Without further words, Sapnap bit into the wing and acted, like the whole world was being saved. „Your so cute moron." Karl said without thinking. Sapnap blushed and tried to hide it, but Karl still saw it and giggled. „Sorry, sometimes things like that just leave my mouth without my permission so..." Karl tried to save it „That's alright," Sapnap interrupted him „I can live with compliments" he said and blinked at him. Now Karl was the one blushing.

Later that evening, Karl saw the waitress talking to a guy, that looked like the chef and they both looked at him and Sapnap. So he quickly turned away. But when the chef came to bring the bill instead of the waitress, they both were confused Probably this is what they do to every person here. „I'll pay." Karl said. Sapnap tried to change his mind but he said again „I'll pay.". As he picked up the bill to look at the price, Sapnap seemed to have noticed something. Then Karl saw it as well. Under the bill layed a small plastic thing. It looked like a condom. „Ohh..." Karl said. „Uhm..we...we're not or something..." Sapnap said. „Oh no...I am so sorry sir" the chef said and put the condom in his pocket. „It's alright." Karl said and gave the chef the money, who quickly took it and went off. „Hm, weird" Sapnap meant. Karl nodded slowly. „Let's just forget that bit and go back home.".

While they walked out of the restaurant Karl thought about the condom thing. Did they really seem like a couple. It would be nice to be a couple tho. But Sapnap would probably never feel the same as he does. Well, It would be worth a try to ask him. So he just started speaking. „ Sap I..." „Hm?" Sapnap asked and stopped walking. „I know we've just me in real life and you probably don't feel the same but-" he stopped talking. „But?" Nick asked. „But what?" he asked again. „I...uh fuck" Karl decided to just not try to put his feelings in a sentence. So he just reached for Sapnap's hand and pulled him closer. Then Karl kissed him.

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