Chapter 7

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Karl didn't remember falling asleep on the park bench. But apparently he did, because he was woken up by kids screaming, dogs barking, people talking and birds chirping. Karl took out his phone to call a taxi, but his phone didn't turn on. Fuck he thought. Well, he hasn't charged it since yesterday morning, so it was kind of obvious. So he just walked home, to get changed. He didn't want to be covered in Sapnap's and his blood anymore.

As Karl walked through the park, many kids ran away from him, scared that he might kill them. Honestly, Karl could be a murderer. Why else would he walk through a park at 10 am covered in blood?

As soon as Karl got home, he went straight into the shower. He didn't even try to hold back the tears, that were running down his cheekbones.

Karl didn't know how long he showered for. Maybe one hour? Maybe two? Or it might have been three. But he didn't care either.

After he got out of the shower, he didn't go to his room. He went to Sapnap's.

He found one of Sapnap's hoodies laying on his bed. It was from some show they watched together, but Karl didn't remember which one it was. He sat down on the bed and buried his face in the hoodie. He inhaled the smell of it deeply. He couldn't help but burst in tears again. Why couldn't he stop blaming himself?

A ringing sound came from Karl's room. Why would anybody call him? Then he remembered, that he gave the hospital lady his phone number, so they could inform him when he could visit Sapnap. He immediately ran to his phone, after putting Sapnap's hoodie on.

„Hello?" he said after picking up. „Hello, this is the hospital. You were here yesterday trying to see Nick Armstrong. Karl Jacobs right?" the voice on the other side of the line answered. „Ye-Yes that's...that's me." Karl said with a shaky voice. „Well, you can come visit him now, but he still hasn't woken up so if you-" „That's fine, I'll be right there." Karl cut of the lady and ended the call.

Karl walked int the hospital once again, but this time, he was happy to be here. Even if Sapnap wouldn't wake up by the time he was with him, he still wanted to visit him.

After Karl sat in the waiting room for about half an hour, finally, a doctor came in. „Mister Jacobs?" He read from his clipboard. Karl stood up. „That's me." he said. The doctor nodded. „You can follow me to Mister Armstrong's room."

They walked through a long hallway. It seemed like it would never end. On both sides were rooms filled with doctors, nurses and ill people. In some rooms, Karl could spot visitors. He was glad, that he wasn't the only crazy person to visit this early.

After what felt like an eternity, the doctor finally stopped and pointed to a door on the left side of the hallway. Karl smiled at him, waiting for the doctor to step in first, but he didn't.

„Are you not willing to go inside?" the doctor asked, when he saw the confusion on Karl's face. „No, I mean, yeah I just thought you were going to come inside as well. You know if something happens..." Karl said. The doctor just smiled. „I am going to be right around the corner. If something happens, just call me." he informed Karl and held the door open. Karl slowly walked inside.

The window was slightly open and the morning sun was peaking through the curtains. Sapnap layed in a bed across the room with several wires attached to him. He looked so peaceful like that.

Karl walked over to him and pulled a chair closer to the bed.

He carefully took Sapnap's hand and drew circles and little hearts on it with his thumb. Maybe, in some way, Sapnap could feel it. Karl hoped he would somehow recognize his touch.

Karl lifted Sapnap's hand up a bit and placed a kiss on it. Come on he thought, just give one sign that you are with me. Sapnap did not give him a sign. Karl sighed and slowly laid Sapnap's hand back on the bed.

He was disappointed, even though he had expected exactly what was happening. Sapnap didn't respond.

There was a knock on the door and a few seconds later, it opened. A nurse was standing in the door frame. „Sir, I must ask you to leave, there are other visitors waiting." she announced. Karl nodded and looked back at Sapnap. He didn't want to leave. But the other visitors should have some time with him as well. So Karl stood up and kissed Sapnap's forehead softly. „I love you." he whispered so nobody could hear him, except Sapnap.

When Karl walked out of the room, a middle aged lady was waiting in front of it. „Good day." Karl quickly said and wanted to leave, but the lady stopped him. „Wait." she said. „Are you Karl?" she asked. Karl nodded and forced out a smile. The lady reached out her hand and introduced herself. „I'm Lauren Armstrong. Nick's mom." she said and Karl politely shook her hand. „Nice to meet you Miss Armstrong." he said and Sapnap's mother smiled. „No need to be so formal. You can call me Lauren." she said and rubbed a hand across Karl's shoulder. Karl just smiled again and nodded.

„It must be really hard for you." Lauren said. „Oh I assume it must be harder for you, knowing that your son is in a coma in a hospital far from your home." Karl answered. Lauren shook her head slightly and placed her hand on Karl's shoulder again.

„I just meant that...having to witness it. Being in the same car as him. Just in general being in the accident." Lauren said with a worried tone in her voice. But you didn't get hurt as well, did you?" she asked.

Karl shook his head. „Well, technically not. But I am still in shock a bit." he said quietly. Lauren rubbed her hand on Karl's shoulder again. „We all are." she said. „But just...don't blame yourself for the accident. I saw the doctor's report and it wasn't your fault. Nick was way to drunk to be driving. He must've had several beers." she tried to calm him down. But it didn't really work

Karl's mind went back to the night before. Him and Sapnap both had two beers, s it shuldn't have been that bad. But apparently it was.

No it wasn't

It was all your fault

He got into an accident because of you

You made him crash the car

It is all your fault

Karl tried to ignore the voices in his head. He heard what Lauren said. It was not his fault. So why couldn't he calm down and relax his mind just for one second? Why was he still blaming himself?

„Hey are you alright?" he heard Lauren say and quickly went out of his mind. „What? Uh...Yeah I'm okay, sorry I just zoned out." he apologized. „It's okay." Lauren smiled. „I should probably go now and rest. I haven't had the best sleep." He said.

„Okay. Go get some good sleep." Lauren said and smiled, rubbing Karl's shoulder one last time. „Oh wait, before you go." she said and started searching for something in her bag. She pulled out a small card with a bunch her information on it. „If you ever need somebody to talk or anything." she said and handed Karl the card. „Thank you." he said and without really thinking about it, he pulled Lauren into a quick hug.

Lauren smiled. „I'll see you around." she said and waved to Karl, as she entered Nick's room. „Bye" Karl responded

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