👿Chapter 3: Change of plans...👿

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~Deku's POV~

I trained with Todroki and Kacchan. We got to hang out more then ever. I realized one thing when we were hanging out. They were getting a little bit flirty with me. Mostly Todroki. He flirts with Kacchan a lot. Makes him blush and cover his face. Our training routines were amazing. Everything went well. And I still wanted to be a hero. Until... things happened. All might saved the day as usual. And when he was alone I went up to him with me, Kacchan, and Todoroki. "All might?" I called for him to get him to notice me. All might turns around and looks at me and the 2. "Yes young man?" all might talked to me! "Do you think it's possible...that some quirkless kid like me can be a hero?" I asked. All might looked surprised after hearing about me being quirkless. "Your q-q-quirkless?!" All might asked. I nodded my head yes. All might starts laughing. Why was he laughing?! Because I was quirkless? Does he think I'm a joke? "I'm afraid not young man, you can't be a hero without a quirk!" said all might. Those words really hit my heart like a arrow. "Quirkless people are useless, they can't do anything without a quirk." all might said. "Oh hell no!" Kacchan stepped in. "You can't say that quirkless people are useless! They can do anything!" "What you just said was not what a hero should say!" Todroki stepped in as well. "So what? And you are endeavors son? You should be agreeing with me, because he knows that quirkless people are useless!" said All might. "Your a fucking faker! You don't deserve to be number 1 hero!" Todroki said. Honestly that's the first time I have ever heard Todroki curse. Must mean he is pissed right now. "You piece of  shit! I bet everyone is gonna find out how useless you are!" Kacchan says. "Young mans shut up! You guys are acting like villains right now. And you Mr. Todroki!" said All might pointing to Todroki. "I'm reporting you, to your father." Todroki face turned into fear, he hated his father but he was also afraid of him. Endeavor made Todroki afraid of him.  "Hey don't threaten my friend like that!" said Kacchan. "You want to become a hero to?" all might asked. "Of course I do!" Kacchan yelled. "Well with that attitude, you are never gonna make it as a hero, so just give up. You and the green haired loser, give up!" said All  might. All might walked away while me, Kacchan, and Todroki were upset about all might. "Let's get the hell out of here, I don't wanna be here much longer." said Kacchan. I wiped my tears and look at Kacchan, while me and Todroki nodded our head yes. 

~Near a very special lake~

I was crying and Kacchan was conferring me. "I can't..." said Todroki.  Me and Kacchan looked at him while Todroki was hugging his knees while sitting on the grass. "The hero's have hurt me long enough! I'm done!" Todroki screamed. "I want to kill my father! I want to run away and never look back!" Todroki started to cry. "I can't take this anymore!" Todroki yelled out. "I agree..." said Kacchan. Me and Todroki looked at him. "I wanna kill all might for crushing me and Deku's dream, made you scared Todroki, I want to run away with you and never ever ever look back..." Kacchan says in a soft calm tone. After what all migh said and did to me is unforgivable! Hero's, all of them, they are fake! Only thing they want is fame and glory! And if we become hero's we would be manipulated for fame and glory! I get it now... us 3 can see the bigger picture. "How about we become the opposite of a villain..." I asked. The 2 boys looked at me confused. I gave them a creepy, villainous smirk on face. "The opposite of a hero gets rid of hero's...so let's get rid of them as well..." I said. They got the same smirk on their face, I guess they know what I am trying to say. "We are with you...Deku." Kacchan said with a evil tone. "We'll start today, run away until we are ready." I said while slowly standing up from hugging my knees. "We'll meet at the ioplo forest!" My friends nodded their heads.

Wow, I wonder what will happen next! But~ I y'all enjoyed! Bye everyone!❤

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