Chapter 15 : Defeated

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Dawns leap by, like promised, Jeongguk stayed ever so true to his words. It was as if he had received a sense of conclusion, a much needed closure. The singer resumed his work life, although kept himself busier to prevent those occasional weak moments.

A fine morning it was, Jeongguk was on his way downstairs to grab a quick bite of breakfast. But, he was welcomed by a startled Jimin the instant he sprung the door to his room.

JM : You scared me!

Jeongguk observed his peculiar formal suit and use of an expensive cologne, as he carried himself outside in the corridor.

JK : Are you going somewhere?

JM : "We" are going down to Busan, and 'we' as in Hoseok Hyung, Taehyung-ie, you and I. Others are caught up with different schedules.

Jeongguk strained his temple to recall if there was a Busan schedule anywhere in the week.

JK : Huh? Why Busan suddenly?

Jimin expected his oblivion. Since, he played a part in that too.

JM : Today... Today is Ha Na's wedding. She asked to keep it a secret till the morning of the event.

From a confusion, Jeongguk's expression turned stern and flustered.

JK : Noona's wedding?! Hyung, I told you we had it all settled that night.

Anticipating the younger's disbelief and frustration, Jimin softly presented the explanation Jeongguk was missing.

JM : I know. But, she didn't call off the wedding. Everything continued to progress as planned, precisely without your knowledge.

Jeongguk, for a second, felt his senses shutting down. He remained still and shook his head to snap out of it.

JM : I still wanted to tell you, but she sounded so firm and sincere, I couldn't just drop her request. Hyung is sorry, Jeongguk-ah.

He chuckled bitterly, a hopelessness characterizing his demeanor.
How every single person worked against him; it was ridiculously disgraceful. How, despite it being exceedingly difficult for him, he was trying all the more hard to keep his words to Ha Na and respect the distance. How he had swallowed the sour potion of right morals, just for her sake. Nevertheless, it was not enough. It was all to no avail.

He was crestfallen at the sheer disrespect his desperate efforts were shown. He felt repulsed. He felt defeated.

JM : You are coming with us, right?

Jimin's nudge stirred Jeongguk awake from his confound and overwhelmed daze.

JK : I received such a terrific invitation. Of course, I should go. Give me ten minutes.

With that, the youngest walked back into his room. Jimin rubbed his forehead, anticipating the weight of his exasperation throughout the day.

Inside the room, Jeongguk located the invitation card that had first delivered the news about Ha Na's marriage. The card lying around at a careless crevice of his study, he picked it up and read the names and date. It matched.

He scoffed with a bitter disdain and crumbled it in his fist. In utter ire and vex, the singer hurled it in the bin, and walked towards his wardrobe.

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