Time After Time

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"Suitcase of memories

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"Suitcase of memories..."

Time is fleeting.  We try and control it, slow down the effects of aging with creams and oils, and try to maintain proper weight and agility.  None of those things are bad.  In fact, we should take care of ourselves, but don't be fooled. Time speeds by for us all.

The days we had in our youth are gone.  The older we get, life becomes just one day and one more day that flies by so fast that I don't have time to take in all of the moments that I cherish.  

I try and take in the smell of her, jasmine and her own smell, dusky and floral and citrus.  All of the good smells shouldn't mix, but they do. On her they do. I try to lock it away in the back of my brain.

 I try to take in the sight of her, every curve and every movement, as I have as she has changed over the years. She is more beautiful now than she ever has been, even after all of this time, after all of these years.   I don't want to forget how beautiful she has been at every age.

I try to remember the way her laugh sounds, from the loud laugh that fills every corner of the room with joy to the husky laugh reserved only for me. I try to remember the way she sounds when she is asleep at night and completely at peace.

I try to keep in my mind the moments that we have, crossword puzzles on Sunday mornings and rides with the dogs by the beach, all of the little things that make up a life.  The big events are easy to remember, it is these easy moments are the ones that we have to make a point to not forget.

Time is a thief and the moments come too fast and the memories fade with it. I have learned to not lament the loss, but rather relish in the memories that I have been allowed to keep.  I enjoy the moments that we still share.

I remember how beautiful she was when she gave birth to our daughter and our son, and how they were two of the happiest days of my life.  How my heart burst when she promised to love me forever on that mountain among the trees.  How she held my hand when I met my father for the first time, letting me know she would always be by my side. 

There are too many memories to forget and still some slip away, but the feelings that have been created and the way my life has changed because of her will never escape me.

It has been a lifetime of beautiful moments and there are more to come. We move slower, but we are still moving.  She is napping now, on the big couch on the front porch, the sun beaming down on her gorgeous face that has loved well and been so loved.  The sight of her warms all of the cold spots in my heart.  I will forget the time or the sweater that she is wearing, but I won't forget the swelling of my heart at this moment, how my heart is full of so much love for her that I would stop the world and live in this moment forever, but I simply join her on the couch and place her head in my lap, listening to her breathe.  She snuggles up and returns to slumber.

Some moments are nothing but everything all at once.

The flowers on the porch wither, my hair is more gray than it used to be,  but our love is as strong now as it ever was.  I will l love her until I breathe my last, and maybe even longer.  

Time may be fleeting, breaking down every living thing, but love is not fleeting.  It grows stronger with time.  It surpasses time and age, memory, and ability.

Love is never ending and never failing. Time after time I will fall in love with her and that won't fade or rot or be destroyed.  

I am ever grateful for that.

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