A little slice of Texas

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Just like Archie predicted, we reached the colony near sundown. Nigel joined me once the tall metallic walls came into view and Archie joined Jade. "Not gonna lie, I'm a little nervous." I admitted as I shifted my bag over my shoulder. Each step I took with great apprehension. "Why are you nervous? It's great that there's other people around." Nigel enthused, making me feel even worse.

It had been so long since I'd been around a crowd. I wasn't sure if I could handle it. Nearly three years. Even though it was nice to know that not everyone was a flesh eating bastard, I'd sort of gotten accustomed to it. At least zombies didn't lie or manipulate others. They straight up aimed for your face.

"And look, they have walls so we don't have to worry about zombies at ungodly hours of the night." Nigel pointed out, the excitement clear in his tone. "Heh, yeah. I guess you're right." I muttered as I stared down at the dirt trail. I had a few minutes to gather myself when a loud whistle rang out from in front of us. Jade pinched her bottom lip to make the sound.
Archie made the same sound by putting two fingers in his mouth.

"I wonder if that's their entry code?" Nigel asked as we approached the gate. I gritted my teeth, on edge as I watched the snipers patrolling the top of the gate. Steel spike traps and some wooden ones surrounded the compound. Multiple skewered zombies rotted away near the walls and in the trenches that preceded them.

"Kay guys be nice; And by guys I mean you." Jade pointed to me. "What!? Why me?" I asked, appalled that she'd signal me out like that. "Because you tend to have no filter and we have a good thing goin' here. Don't want your grumpy ass to mess it up." I huffed and crossed my arms bitterly once she'd turned back around. "Hey, you're gonna do great. Just don't speak unless spoken to and stick close to me." Nigel whispered just as the large sheet metal doors were slowly cranked open.

Once the door had been lifted, we all lined up single file as we stepped through the opening. Jade went first, standing still as the man at the door aimed a thermometer at her forehead. He checked her pupils with a flashlight as well before ushering her through. He did the same with Archie, then Nigel. When it was my turn, I stood as still as possible.

Though the thermometer reading came out clear, my pupil test didn't. "Detain him!" The man at the gate growled, prompting the second guard to grab my arm and slam me against the wall inside. The cold metal stung when my cheek was pressed against it. "Hey, let him go!" Nigel urged, clearly on edge as the third guy took my duffle and began dumping out my items.

"Let go you fucks! This is profiling!" I protested, trying to shimmy loose to no avail. I furrowed my brows as I glanced down helplessly. It didn't take long for a pair of fancy lilac colored pumps to step in front of me. "Is there a problem here gentlemen?" The woman asked as she glanced over at Jade and Archie who'd already handed over their duffles filled with supplies.

"His pupils are constricted Mayor." The man holding me spoke as the woman in the blazer walked over. "Pardon me Madame, my travelmate; he's a smoker. That explains the constriction in his ocular blood vessels. He smoked a little under an hour ago." Nigel intervened, his expression anxious as he glanced back to where I was being held.

"Hey, stop that!" I growled as they sifted through my shit. The woman walked over to the table and picked up one of my many vapes, along with my bag of ground up weed. "You do know that marijuana is illegal in this state, don't you?" She asked as she held up the now, illicit substance. I gritted my teeth. "He didn't know Miss. It's his first time in this state." Nigel intervened again, prompting the lady to hold up her hand to silence him.

I watched helplessly as all my weapons were separated from my snacks and supplies. The woman then crouched down so she could meet my gaze, her platinum bob finally coming into view. "With the current state of our country, I understand we all have different methods of coping. All I ask is that you don't smoke indoors. I'd like to keep all the properties here smoke free." She elaborated before holding out the bag and vape for me to take.

"You can let him go." She told the men who reluctantly released me. I huffed bitterly, straightening myself out as I was patted down. "There are no weapons allowed in our compound. You will leave them here for safe keeping. Whenever you venture outside our walls you may take them with you. This is to ensure peace and equality remain staples in our community."

I glared at the woman as I was stripped and relieved of my crossbow, my blades and even my switch blade boots. Never had I felt more naked than I did then. "My name is Grace. I'm the Mayor of this compound. Every newcomer is welcomed by yours truly. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr...." She trailed off as she held her hand out for Nigel to shake. "Cross. Nigel Cross. And this is my companion, Nathan Hart." He told her as he shook her hand.

Even though he'd also been relieved of his weapons, Nigel didn't seemed fazed at all. On the contrary, he was all...giddy. "What state do you hail from?" She asked Nigel as the men in the front finished their inspection. I yanked my good arm away, mad-dogging the one who'd frisked me before turning back to Nigel who was still conversing with the woman.

"Well we've commuted all the way from California but I'm a native, originally from a little farther south but it's still a pleasure to be back home." He enthused, a slight twinge to the end of his words. "I suspected as much. I can make out a southern boy when I see one." She mused, that same hint to her words;  hers was a little more pronounced. "Well, now that we've got the formalities in order, I'd like to welcome you both to our southern colony; a little slice of Texas heaven. Infection free for nearly two years."

She boasted as Archie and Jade walked over, finished with their own inspection. Jade now wore some regular tennis shoes, having left her boots at the entrance next to the ones they'd confiscated from me. "Help yourselves to anything at the house mart, my treat." The Mayor urged just as a hazy transmission came in through the radio she had strapped to the lapel of her magenta jacket.

"Jade, would you be kind enough to show them around sweetheart? I've got some business to tend to." With that, the Mayor excused herself and disappeared into the small control center next to the gates. I watched bitterly as the metal sheets were lowered, effectively trapping us inside. "You okay?" Nigel asked then, finally making his way back to where I stood. "Since when do you have an accent?" I inquired, never having heard it until now.

"Oh that. Heh, it tends to come out sometimes. Mostly when I speak too fast or when I'm excited." He clarified. I nodded but didn't touch the subject anymore— His accent was kinda hot after all. I turned my attention to Jade as she gestured to my feet. My socks were worn and ripped. "How about we go get you some fresh kicks?" She suggested. A defeated sigh escaped my lips. "I can't be walking around in my socks for ever so I don't really have a choice." I huffed as I followed behind. Nigel walked beside Archie.

"I'm sorry bout all your stuff, but I promise you'll get used to it. She means well." Jade assured as she led us further into the compound. "Yeah, sure. Whatever you say..."

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